fic: my soul will cast the backwards view [aang, zuko, azula, toph]

May 22, 2010 23:14

Title: my soul will cast the backwards view
Author: albumsontheside
Characters: Aang, Zuko, Azula, Toph
Timeline: pre-series, with the exception of Toph, which is post-series. Not AU.
Word Count: ~1100
Summary: Four vignettes, four revelations, four lessons learned. Title is from Wordsworth.

It is only on board the ship, in the flickering light of his cabin and away from his home, that he looks at himself-himself as a child-for the final time )

a:tla, !fic

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azardarkstar May 22 2010, 22:56:22 UTC
I like it! Very nicely done indeed. I'm especially fond of the Toph part. It feels like something her parents would do. Thankfully, she'll have daddy!Iroh run to the rescue. :)

Going in my mems.



albumsontheside May 22 2010, 22:59:38 UTC
Thankfully, she'll have daddy!Iroh run to the rescue. :)

Oh my god, yes, yes. I lovelovelove Toph/Iroh gen like that, and you practically know it's canon. Those two are going to live together in the Earth Kingdom, being awesome, and generally taking the piss out of Zuzu ;)

Glad you liked, hun! How's things? :D :D


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:01:30 UTC
That should be the sequel fic to this. Only not since it'd be pure comedy gold.

"Hey, Zuzu. Meet your new cousin/sister."


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:02:32 UTC
"What---you can't---she's not my---and since when did you call me Zuzu?!"


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:03:35 UTC
"I thought everyone called you Zuzu, Sparky."

*Insert Toph grin*


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:04:53 UTC
"What---only Azula---and wait a moment, cousin or not, I am the Fire Lord and you will treat me as such!"


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:08:55 UTC
*Uses earthbending*

"Ow! You didn't have to hit me there."


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:10:45 UTC
"Well, you didn't have to destroy my throne room!"


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:12:26 UTC
*Wait. I think you've lost me. She was the one to hit Zuko.*

"You should be glad, nephew, to have a new member of the family."

Grumbles. "I am. Just... I hoped for less violence in my future."


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:14:40 UTC
*Earthbending. Floor. ;)*

"In any case, I'm hungry." Toph grumbles. "I want duck."

(Zuko doesn't eat duck. You totally know he still keeps pet turtleducks. THIS BE CANON.)


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:18:39 UTC
*Is it really canon? It could be!*

Zuko: Dies a little inside.

Toph: Did it on purpose. Hops on his back and makes him carry her.

Servants: Discreet snickers.

Iroh: Beams.

Ursa (who has to be there since she and Iroh are my OTP for AtLA): Sighs and smiles.

Aang: Wondering if he can join the family since he obviously doesn't have one now.


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:20:58 UTC
"Listen, Toph ... I'll happily provide you a meal, but duck---"

"Don't be silly, it's good for you! Aang likes it to, don't you, Aang?"

"Actually, Toph, I'm veg--"


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:23:05 UTC
"Duck it is then."

Zuko and Aang: Exchange a glance. Know they must join forces to prevail.

Iroh and Ursa: Too busy imagining grandkids and weddings. Not necessarily in that order.


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:25:27 UTC
"Toph, technically the Avatar outranks you, and court etiquette demands that I serve his preference in food."

"You mean ... berries and nuts?"

"Y-yes. That. Anything but duck."

Iroh and Ursa OTP :D


azardarkstar May 22 2010, 23:32:28 UTC

*The End*

Iroh/Ursa is my OTP. I can stand just about everything. Except maybe Zutara. Though there are a few really good ones where I can live with it.


albumsontheside May 22 2010, 23:34:21 UTC
*Oh, before they meet Mai?*

I hate Zutara and I have a soft spot for Aang/Toph and Sokka/Toph :) I OTP Zuko/Mai and Iroh/Ursa :D


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