master list of fic

Mar 28, 2020 23:49

A note: most of these fics have previously not been made public, because they're simply unconnected fannish pieces of prose (<300 words). So, yes, if you're looking for something with plot, the older/previously flocked ones (ie., the ones with less comments/shorter summaries) are probably not a good place to start. My crack, however, might be more your cup of tea.
WARNING: While I don't write subjects that are commonly triggering, such as rape or suicide, I mention PTSD/war trauma/mental anxiety almost constantly in my Anakin-centric Star Wars fic. I never include graphic descriptions of violence or sex, but if such a subject triggers you badly, I'd recommend not reading any Anakin/Clone Wars fic. Most of my fics are rated pg-13/R just because of these themes (I don't really write sex at all, sorry guys.)

Star Wars

a handful of dust (han solo, pg-13, imperial era)
Sometimes you wonder about the ethics of war, but it’s all you’ve ever known, and picking apart your identity simply isn’t healthy. You should know. You did it when they told you to skin the Wookie, and look where that got you.
a priori (ferus olin, drabble, pg-13, pre-series)
Ferus contemplates leaving the Order.

absolution (obi-wan, beru, pg-13, post-rots.)
'Is that why you're here?' The question is innocent enough, but the way her eyes dart from side to side betrays her. She does not like Jedi. 'Because of politics?'

all our yesterdays (anakin/padmé, nc-17, rots era)
Regret is a shroud, translucent and pale, binding their corpses stiff in a parody of fidelity.

anecdote (vader/padmé, R, post-series, au)
Requested by the birthday girl: "Padmé lives, and she and Vader have to sort out their issues. Obviously, there can be NO HEALING SEX."

censored (anakin, implied anakin/padmé, R, clone wars)
Anakin writes a letter home, and you receive it, censored.

finale (anakin, obi-wan, yularen, pg-13, clone wars)
He is mad, always has been.

first words (beru, baby!luke, pg-13, inter-trilogy)
Luke Skywalker's first words break Beru's heart.

five times anakin skywalker falls in love, and one time he doesn't (anakin, ensemble, pg-13, whole series)
The first time Anakin Skywalker falls in love, he's seven years old and bleeding with a cut on his knee and it is indefinable, intangible and the defining moment of his life.

five times nobody recognises anakin skywalker (and it's all thanks to this damned to hell war) (anakin, ensemble, R, clone wars)
Um, yeah. Kind of self explanatory, really?

four things that were sadly inevitable in qui-gon jinn's apprenticeship (dooku, qui-gon, pg-13, pre-series, crack.)
“Honestly, Qui-Gon, it’s not even funny. How could you manage to misprounounce Your Majesty to sound like arsehole?”
front lines (anakin, obi-wan, pg-13, clone wars)
Anakin reacts to his first mission alone.

hell is for children (anakin, ahsoka, R, clone wars)
“I’m not going to tell you there was nothing you could’ve done. Because I don’t tell lies.”

hidden advances (han/leia, R, esb, written for sw_1sentence)
"For your information, I AM the last woman on Hoth!"

lest we forget (anakin, obi-wan, ahsoka, R, clone wars.)
“You wouldn’t ask if you knew. If either of you --“ He breaks off abruptly, the recollection almost as painful as the words. “You don’t know anything. Or understand.”

lexicon (anakin, padmé, pg-13, aotc, crack)
Gen, humour, UST, it's all there. Anakin and Padmé, er, play Scrabble. Blame Isis. By which I mean, um, fialleril.

museum (vader, pg-13, post-rots)
Everything has changed, but the room is still the same.

scientia (anakin, ensemble, R, post-rots au)
Anakin Skywalker is twenty-three years, seven months and twenty-one days old when he has a conversation that changes his life forever.

things left unsaid (luke, cham syndulla, pg-13, ot)
Luke Skywalker tries to persuade Ryloth to join the Alliance. Drabble.

of krayt dragons and sand flies (obi-wan, owen, luke, inter-trilogy, pg-13, crack)
Crack. Lars family crack. With awkward!Ben. Yes.

out, out, brief candle! (anakin, obi-wan, R, prequel trilogy) 
It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

understanding (luke, imperial oc, pg-13, inter-trilogy)
Sometimes the most difficult lessons are learned by force. Deals with Imperial censorship.

world enough, no time (han/leia, hard R/nc-17, esb)
The kiss is bitter, fittingly so, and it takes a minute to register, the fact that she is kissing Han Solo, that Han Solo is kissing her.

yesterday (anakin, obi-wan, R, au)
In a world where Anakin Skywalker does not fall to the Dark Side, he has to come to terms with the consequences of his actions.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

burning bridges (zuko, azula, pg-13, post-series.)
Zuko visits his sister only once, in a mental facility south of Ba Sing Se.

my soul will cast the backwards view (ensemble, pg-13, pre-series.)
Four vignettes, four revelations, four lessons learned.

Life As A House: three conversations sam monroe never had (implied sam/alyssa, ensemble, R, au.)
“I'm not listening. I'm not even listening."

fialleril's Anabasis (@sw_anabasis): the conversation (vader, sabé, crack, implied vader/padmé)
"When a man and a woman love each other very much, they get certain urges ..."

Also, feel free to check out my meta! And, of course, the  Star Wars Kink Meme ;)

a:tla, !fic, star wars, life as a house

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