Bif Naked "Violence"

Jul 12, 2008 01:17

Smiley, little baby snuggled in her mommy's arms. Pray you'll always keep your daughter safe and free from harm.

She’d never been a baby, never snuggled as a newborn infant in her mother’s arms. Truth was she’d never had a mother at all. Not really. Not in the sense of someone to give birth to her, or even to raise her and love her and care for her.

Perhaps, if she were ever asked she might say she does have a Mom. For a time there was someone who took time to care for her. It was a short time but there was someone who took time to consider her needs, her desires and even defended her to her father. One day, when speaking of her parents she might talk of a ginger woman who’d been there for her, cared for her and worried. Perhaps there would come a time when being a Mother would be about more than merely DNA and giving birth and about how much you cared, the love you felt and desiring to be there for another in such a capacity.

I wish that everyone lived in a happy place: sunshine and bright eyes on everybody's face.

The world wasn’t like that though. Not everyone lived in happiness and sometimes sunshine had to be shunned in favour of something greater. Every memory that was not her own was elusive, skittering like shadows on the edge of Donna’s consciousness yet there was a few that she tried to trace, wanted to keep close despite their not really being her own.

Voices of the dead that sought her out, calling for Donna from beyond a grave that didn’t exist. Memories of children that had never been, others that had never been born. None of the memories were happy, each tinged with sadness and bittersweet tears yet the woman she’d never been cherished them with the same fierce devotion that the Donna she was held for her Doctor and Reinette.

Names were as faint as the call of their voices. She could hear laughter, seeing bright eyes and feel small hands in her own. Yet when her fingers tightened it all vanished, leaving her hand empty and an ache in her chest that seemed so real for something that was as substantial as a ghost.

Did ya ever stop and think about the world as is. Life's about living, can't believe it's come to this.

The effects of the room kept her calm, body floating as effortlessly as a feather on a breeze. The room kept her body calm, her mind as relaxed as her body. It was an odd sensation to be teary with no tears, to feel the ache of heartbreak for dead you’ve never known. It was as if she were watching the most amazing movie, reading the world’s greatest novel. All of it was as real as it could be and yet none of it had happened. Not to her. Not yet. Not now. Not ever.

Donna tried not to think about how it would end. She knew that if her only choice was this room then she would stay there forever. Death was not an option, not until they had savoured their lifetime together. In the end, she knew that might be the option. Years of floating, of never seeing sunlight and stars again, friends visiting and yet giving up living her life with them. It was not a joyful answer, but it was one that Donna accepted.

Just as she accepted that when they found a way to make her Donna once more that she would lose other things. Bright eyes in a perky face. Bedtime stories. Voices as beautiful as the body they’d once inhabited She would gain back her life, her freedom and their lifetime, but she knew now that with every choice you make, every right turn you make instead of left, there was a price that was paid and a lifetime that was lost.
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