Apr 24, 2008 00:47
1. I might be appointing ANOTHER A&S 50 Kingdom Coordinator soon. I love that our team is shaping up so nicely before my going 'part-time' come July. :)
2. Unless you are my doctor, my lactation consultant, my children, or my husband, if you are asking to touch my breasts, you had BETTER be fitting me for a kick-ass dress, perferably silk.
3. Although #3 measured just right for dates at my ultrasound three weeks ago, my uterus is apparently significantly bigger than expected for 26 weeks, so I have to go in for another ultrasound, and another round of glucose testing (I had gestational diabetes last time around, so this is the most likely cause, although my fasting sugar this morning was a whopping 103 (ie completely normal), so who knows.)
#4. We seem to have skipped Mud Season in our part of Vermont; less than two weeks ago I still had ice patches in my backyard, and now nascent leaves are almost blocking out the sky, and we need to put our air conditioners in to help me deal with #3's being my own portable furnace.
a&s 50