Prep for BM & mask ideas

Aug 02, 2011 10:49


It turns out I've been significantly neglecting this journal. Mainly due to twitter I think. I stream my thoughts as they occur, rather than collate them here. Not sure if that's a bad thing or not, but I don't want to just repost a bunch twitter status messages.
I'll have to make a decision at some point regarding what I want to get from here.

For now however I thought I'd write a few bits about my impending überholiday to the States. As I've probably excitedly spouted at some of you IRL the Secret 7 are off to spend a week of crazy in the deserts of Nevada at Burning Man. A few of us have gone before, but fully half the group are first timers so are naturally a little giddy about the whole thing.

We've all been spending the last few weeks preparing, passport renewals, ESTAs, insurance, goggles, and whole other list of stuff. It's quite a major undertaking. Aggy has been the absolute core of this operation, and without him none of this would have happened. He's done so much PM stuff it's unbelievable. Booking RV's, flights, hotels and all the sundry items you would expect for a big group to the middle of nowhere.

We've each got our own tasks, as well as little projects of our own. I'm a little at a loss about the whole gifting thing, some people are making loads of stuff to take with them; Stickers, clip on tails, etc. I'm not really sure what to do, I'll certainly be taking a sack-o-limes I can give to bars and such, but I'm feeling a little afloat here atm.

I've been working on a custom mask for the desert (much inspired by miss monsters masks), under which I shall be wearing a smaller dust mask. I was originally going to do it in a green man style, but then realised I have no artistic talent, so instead opted for an Egyptian style because a) Egyptian stuff is awesome and b) The main style is lots of straight lines. 
I've done the master and made the mould last night, need to make the mother tonight and will try some test pulls on Thursday or Friday I imagine. I'm pretty pleased with it so far, it's turned out surprisingly well. I'm not entirely sure how to paint it up yet, I was thinking the traditional blue and gold, but a more Necron style may look cool as well. I may also incorporate some of the EL wire I have laying around.

There's a large open space at the front of the mask (intentionally) that I wanted to put something in like a scarab holding a jewel or something, but in the end I just opted for the burning man symbol. It looks nice enough, but I dunno if it's a bit cliché.
Since the master is made of plasticine I should be able to carefully remove it from the mould and alter the symbol to something else. I may still do a scarab version, but does anyone have any ideas for this? I'll try and remember to get some pics up in the next couple of days.

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