*zombiegroan* TOO EARLY.

May 10, 2009 05:31

I know it's been a while since I last posted in this journal outside of it being locked to most people, and the excessive amount of twitter updates, so I'll be brief.

First off, I'll be turning off the LoudTwitter stuff. You know there's a problem with the service when your journal is nothing but a load of tweets that people don't necessarily want to read. So I'll be turning those off when I get back home from work today. Also, my website is just about due a full refit. It's a month ahead of schedule, but considering that I'll be on holiday when the time does roll around, I have no problem in getting it done early. If you noticed any downtime on my blog, I apologise, as that was just a time to test it all, and it was done in the time when I usually get the least amount of hits (I'm sure I get the most amount of hits when everyone's quality bar has gone down wayyy much. 8]). So that upgrade will be done between now and Tuesday, although the site will go down again when it happens, because I still have a few modules to put in place, that I haven't gotten ready in notepad in code yet.

Speaking of the holiday, just about everything is set. A couple of callcentre representatives have fast-tracked a couple of my orders so they will arrive in time for them to be useful, and I need to make sure that I call up when I get them, and thank them for it. After all that's happened these last few days, I really need everything to go off without a hitch. I may not be in trouble because of it, but I still feel like I have got a lot to prove to Ashley after what happened.

Also, it feels weird to have a watch on my wrist after all this time of not having one on at all. My wrist feels wayy heavier, which is kinda weird.
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