- 07:43 @ HarmonySoleil They are spammers that want to get you to visit a website through an affiliate link so they can earn some money. #
- 11:47 12 days and she hates me. #
- 14:44 @ Shipwreck Was Cyberbykes on the PS1? #
- 15:10 @ LOVEFiLM Upload it to Facebook and tag them all. I dare you. #
- 15:54 *kicks n4g* WORK DAMNIT. #
- 16:00 [KAECY.US]: Review: HTC S740/S743 Smartphone: I’ve decided to post my Youtube Videos here as well .. kaecy.us/?p=644 #
- 16:00 [GrE]: Sony snags PAL-Publishing rights for Ghostbusters; Now timed PS3/PS2/PSP Exclusive.: In PAL territo.. tinyurl.com/dkj4ep #
- 16:25 Time to get ready for work. #
- 17:23 I need to clean my keyboard. NOT STICKY. The keys get greasy easily. #
- 17:29 Off to work. #
- 23:05 @ jim_sterling But what about the Moon Base, Jim? THINK OF THE MOON BASE. #
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