Artifacts of Phobos and Deimos

Oct 25, 2017 22:04

An abstract of the article on the SETI issue: "Artifacts of Phobos and Deimos"

In 2017 July, the MSC has held a meeting on the topic of CETI. The report of Alexander Mayboroda "Signs of the "cosmic miracle" from the satellites of Mars, the giant planets and Pluto" was presented there.
The report of A. Mayboroda presents previously unknown facts on the detection of the so-called "cosmic miracle": possible traces of the activities of extraterrestrial intelligence within the solar system. The main problem of the SETI project is the ability to identify such phenomena that has signs of artificial phenomena. The term "cosmic miracle" denotes a phenomenon, which means something unique, the origin of which can not be explained by natural causes and it is necessary to admit its artificial nature. So, A. Mayboroda's report provides facts of the unnaturalness of the orbital characteristics of Phobos and Deimos. The synodic period (period of confrontation) of Phobos and Deimos TPhD has unusual mathematical properties - it with relative accuracy of about 25 thousandth percent and with an absolute error of 9.35 seconds coincides with the number that is formed by an equation based on a complex of numbers π:

The non-random nature of the coincidence of the magnitude of TPhD and the magnitude (2π)π-1 is proved by its invariance - repetition in the equation of the synodic period of the Nicta (Nix) - the satellite of Pluto TNP:

The coincidence has a relative accuracy of about 13 thousandths of a percent and with an absolute error of 1 minute 35 seconds.
The sign of artificiality in equations (1) and (2) is that the invariant quantity is manifested only when fixing the periods of revolution of satellites in an artificial time measurement system, where the standard of measurement is 1 hour, equal to 1/24 of the average solar day. This system of time measurement is inherited from the civilization of Sumer. Sumer appeared about 5 thousand years ago. Myths of the Sumerians claim that the Sumerians received astronomical and mathematical knowledge from a semi-human being descended from heaven. Given the above astronomical facts, it is logical to assume that the astronomy and mythology of Sumer has a connection with revealed artifacts in the orbital parameters of the satellites of Mars and Pluto.
The relationship between the synodic periods of Phobos TPhM and Deimos TDM relative  to  Mars is also found with  mathematical  values such as the Phidias number Φ (Φ ≈ 1.618033989), and the numbers of the Fibonacci and Lucas sequences.
The facts considered give grounds to put forward the hypothesis that Phobos and Deimos are asteroids that have been artificially moved to the orbits of the moons of Mars. Their unusual orbital characteristics are a memorable sign of ancient astroengineers, addressed to modern civilization. Perhaps they point at other artifacts, hidden so far.

Prepared by Alexander Mayboroda,
Member of the Moscow Space Club

nix (moon), mars, pluto, phobos and deimos

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