Entire ending paragraph was utterly fantastic! Beautifully written and I really want to know where their relationship goes next - the old 'gutter or the stars' question. Looking forward to more!
As for 'gutter or the stars'...I think it's weaving drunkenly along the pavement at the moment ;D. And yes, going to exit that metaphor before I mess it up or start rambling about Wilde, because I am obsessed and that is what I think of as soon as I see the words 'gutter' and 'stars' anywhere near each other :p.
I have absolutely no objection to Wilde ramblage! I can go on for a fair while m'self ;) Ever read William Burroughs? I can rant about him for a fair old while too - 'choreographed as a ballet' and all tha'...
Shall add to my list of books to read after these damned exams are done though (well...naked lunch is already on there, due to be nabbed from the library as soon as I get a spare moment) :D....got any particular recommendations for burroughs?
'Junky' is the one I quoted - it's one of those books that you either love or hate. If you love it you notice similies like that and get obsessed them and if you hate them you don't get past the 'no-chapter/slang' layout of the book. As you may have guesse, I love it ;)
Other Beat authors are good too though - ever read Trainspotting or seen the movie? That's one of the few movies that are faithful to the book and good, that I've seen anyway...
Oh yeah..read 'Trainspotting'....you don't get to call yourself Scottish if you haven't ;D. I was surprised at how well the slang/dialect worked in it - expected to find myself hating it but it really works. The movie is great though too - Spud going for the job interview in particular has to be one of the funniest scenes ever. And it introduced me to Lou Reed - which I've got to be thankful for ;p.
Not read much of the beat authors though...'On the Road' is another one I've got on my list to read but sadly havent got round to yet.
I thought that the part where Renton is in the toilet, then it flicks to a swimming pool (or similar - been a while since I saw it!) was one of the great cinematic moments. Have you ever seen 'Withnail and I'? It's one of the best Brit-flicks ever! There are mysterious sink creatures, Lennon shades and Jimi Hendrix stealage - what more could you want in a movie? ;)
Love Lou Reed - he was better with the Velvets though...
I only saw 'Withnail & I' quite recently actually, and I am kicking myself for not watching it earlier as I have fallen in love with it. Loved Withnail in particular - the perfect bastard, an absolute genius character if there ever was one. The mysterious sink creature, Withnail shouting abuse at school-girls from inside the car and the two of them drunkenly claiming to be millionaires in an old ladies tea-shop were all bloody hilarious.
I agree with the VU being better than Lou Reed solo, as there are far more of their songs that I love ('Heroin' is one, love the speeding up and the heartbeat in the background) although some of the songs on Transformer have the most fantastically odd lyrics. And it has Bowie doing backing vocals - got to give marks for that!
Bowie is indeed ace - I must admit to having a soft spot for 'Sally Can't Dance', 'Satellite Of Love', 'Caroline Says II' and similar... ;) I scoured all of Birmingham, Manchester and London to find the 'Ziggy Stardust'vinyl (can't be bothered to type out full title - sorry!) and then found it in a shop basically 3 feet from my door. I play it a lot... Probably too much, I have a minor obsession with 'Lady Stardust' and 'Hang On To Yourself' sounds like T.Rex but better!
Oh vinyl....it really is no lie that they sound better than CDs *pines for vinyl player that couldn't be brought to uni flat*. and a vinyl of Ziggy Stardust...I am most jealous ;P.I am also very partial to that album. 'Five Years' is my track that I obsess over on that album, as well as 'Suffragette City' and, hell, most of the album really!
Never really thought about 'Hang On To Yourself' sounding like T-rex but I suppose it does rather - very much glam. I find quite a lot of T-rex lyrics incredibly amusing - mainly due to the fact that Marc Bolan seems to favour rhyme over sense most of the time.
Hmm..I may have submerge myself in The Stooges, the VU, Bowie & T.rex again now :D. Have moved a bit further into the present recently, listening perhaps too much to Graham Coxon, the first Suede album and 'This Is Hardcore' (Pulp) but I'm getting a hankering for the older stuff now...
I have my Pulp-mix on at the moment and I'm having nostalgic moments with the Franz Ferdinand debut as well, back when they were still amazing...
Marc Bolan was the ultimate glammer though - made absolutely no sense, but God he was cool... ;) I obsess over 'Laser Love' and 'Ride A White Swan' mostly at the moment - some of his 'dancier' stuff I suppose. '20th Century Boy' is kind of a classic though. I never really understood why people objected so much to Pete Doherty's 'Children Of The Revolution' cover at Live Aid so much... He was probably more sober than Bolan and he got into the spirit of the thing rather well... *remembers the hat and eye make-up of doom*
I actually quite like the second Franz album - although it isn't really half as exciting as the first.
I have to admit that Live Aid was a few months before I had actually listened properly to the Libs/'shambles/DPT and fallen in love with them - so all I had to go on there was the news, tabloids (not that I read them, just from seeing front pages etc) and I remember thinking it was awful that he was 'murdering' such a great song. Of course, now I'm kicking myself for having ever thought that, and having watched it again it ain't too shabby at all (hat, cigar, odd make-up 'n all ;P). I must have just listened with the pre-conceived idea that it was going to be terrible because I'd only heard bad things about him. 'Tis slightly worrying how the press can shape opinions, and I generally like to believe that I am not easily led but yeah, just shows you how wrong you can be :S.
I agree - much as I like to think I'm not led in any particular direction by the media, I think I am influenced more than I realise... I'm a Guardian person myself, but sometimes reading the tabloids or the Daily Mail can be good for a laugh - all the malformed or just plain misinformed opinions can be quite amusing sometimes... ;)
They sure can ;D. I too don't really tend to read the tabloids - but I occasionaly pick up the free paper when I'm on the bus/train and have forgotten to bring work or a book to read and have a bit of a giggle at it. Sometimes I'm unsure as to whether some of the stuff that appears in them is geniune or if there's some 'Chris Morris' style satirist pulling the strings becuase some of the things you read in tabloids - it's hard to believe that anyone would believe it, let alone print it and sell it across the country ;P.
I think there must be someone who's aware that what they're writing is shit and hams it up a little bit... If there isn't, I'm worried for our country's sanity personally... ;)
Yay! Glad you liked.
As for 'gutter or the stars'...I think it's weaving drunkenly along the pavement at the moment ;D. And yes, going to exit that metaphor before I mess it up or start rambling about Wilde, because I am obsessed and that is what I think of as soon as I see the words 'gutter' and 'stars' anywhere near each other :p.
I have not! :o Shocking, I know...*is ashamed*
Shall add to my list of books to read after these damned exams are done though (well...naked lunch is already on there, due to be nabbed from the library as soon as I get a spare moment) :D....got any particular recommendations for burroughs?
Other Beat authors are good too though - ever read Trainspotting or seen the movie? That's one of the few movies that are faithful to the book and good, that I've seen anyway...
Oh yeah..read 'Trainspotting'....you don't get to call yourself Scottish if you haven't ;D. I was surprised at how well the slang/dialect worked in it - expected to find myself hating it but it really works. The movie is great though too - Spud going for the job interview in particular has to be one of the funniest scenes ever. And it introduced me to Lou Reed - which I've got to be thankful for ;p.
Not read much of the beat authors though...'On the Road' is another one I've got on my list to read but sadly havent got round to yet.
Love Lou Reed - he was better with the Velvets though...
I agree with the VU being better than Lou Reed solo, as there are far more of their songs that I love ('Heroin' is one, love the speeding up and the heartbeat in the background) although some of the songs on Transformer have the most fantastically odd lyrics. And it has Bowie doing backing vocals - got to give marks for that!
Oh vinyl....it really is no lie that they sound better than CDs *pines for vinyl player that couldn't be brought to uni flat*. and a vinyl of Ziggy Stardust...I am most jealous ;P.I am also very partial to that album. 'Five Years' is my track that I obsess over on that album, as well as 'Suffragette City' and, hell, most of the album really!
Never really thought about 'Hang On To Yourself' sounding like T-rex but I suppose it does rather - very much glam. I find quite a lot of T-rex lyrics incredibly amusing - mainly due to the fact that Marc Bolan seems to favour rhyme over sense most of the time.
Hmm..I may have submerge myself in The Stooges, the VU, Bowie & T.rex again now :D. Have moved a bit further into the present recently, listening perhaps too much to Graham Coxon, the first Suede album and 'This Is Hardcore' (Pulp) but I'm getting a hankering for the older stuff now...
Marc Bolan was the ultimate glammer though - made absolutely no sense, but God he was cool... ;) I obsess over 'Laser Love' and 'Ride A White Swan' mostly at the moment - some of his 'dancier' stuff I suppose. '20th Century Boy' is kind of a classic though. I never really understood why people objected so much to Pete Doherty's 'Children Of The Revolution' cover at Live Aid so much... He was probably more sober than Bolan and he got into the spirit of the thing rather well... *remembers the hat and eye make-up of doom*
I actually quite like the second Franz album - although it isn't really half as exciting as the first.
I have to admit that Live Aid was a few months before I had actually listened properly to the Libs/'shambles/DPT and fallen in love with them - so all I had to go on there was the news, tabloids (not that I read them, just from seeing front pages etc) and I remember thinking it was awful that he was 'murdering' such a great song. Of course, now I'm kicking myself for having ever thought that, and having watched it again it ain't too shabby at all (hat, cigar, odd make-up 'n all ;P). I must have just listened with the pre-conceived idea that it was going to be terrible because I'd only heard bad things about him. 'Tis slightly worrying how the press can shape opinions, and I generally like to believe that I am not easily led but yeah, just shows you how wrong you can be :S.
They sure can ;D. I too don't really tend to read the tabloids - but I occasionaly pick up the free paper when I'm on the bus/train and have forgotten to bring work or a book to read and have a bit of a giggle at it. Sometimes I'm unsure as to whether some of the stuff that appears in them is geniune or if there's some 'Chris Morris' style satirist pulling the strings becuase some of the things you read in tabloids - it's hard to believe that anyone would believe it, let alone print it and sell it across the country ;P.
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