(no subject)

Apr 12, 2008 23:04

Title: Girlfriend. Part 2.

Characters: Gabriel/Eden.

Rating: R.

Word count: 2,740

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: AU. Eden is a callgirl in this fic and Gabriel her "client"

Note: I may put this on hold and come back to it.

Parts: 1, 2, 3

Eden was a furious shopper, loved to trek amidst the loaded or sparse railings and pull item after item from them with a relish. She was self confessed shopaholic, the only “holic” she was pleased to announce now. Gabriel trailed a step behind her on the shiny paths, totally bewildered. The last time anyone had shopped for him had been his mother, which he was ashamed to think wasn’t so long ago. He stood with bags full of clothes, because a suit wasn’t enough, oh no. Trying on the suits for her was an embarrassingly pleasing experience as she cooed and twirled around him and he smiled with a red face.

“Ok, so.” She waved her spoon through the air, tongue smoothed icecream domed onto it as she spoke. “I’m called Bree Daniels and I work in a book shop -”

“A rare one.” He cut in helpfully, relaxing back into the coffee bar chair with a sigh.

“Right. And we met there, clicked and struck up a friendship and not soon after love blossomed.” There it was again, that sarcasm. It infused all of her speech, at least what he had heard, and the set of her mouth was gently mocking. He liked to think he had a sense of humour but she had bite and the affronted reaction was something he found hard to push down.

“You now live with me in Queens, almost six months now.” He liked creating this fantasy life with her, liked even more that he had someone to share and act it out with. The spoon disappeared into her mouth, sucking the icecream off with a slurp. He watched her licking it and his honourable intentions took a dip with each swipe.

“Mmm, thank you for that.” She laid the clean spoon down in her bowl and stood, looking at her watch. “Well I’ve got to go.” Gabriel stood up, gut and mouth twisting as he tried to smile.

“Thank you for coming out with me.” He had paid her before they stepped out of his door but it was a transaction that both ignored once done. His girlfriend had taken him shopping, that was what happened. Eden picked up her own shopping bag and stepped around to him and he knew she was going to hug him. He did a sharp intake as her spindly arms came around him, his arms trapped at his sides as she squeezed once, looking up at him.

“This is what you want, right?” Eyes glinting darkly. She was doing what he had paid for, not what she wanted. Gabriel swallowed, nodding down at her as he bent and kissed her forehead, hand cradling the back of her head. He thought he could feel the flutter of her eyelashes against his skin but it was momentary, Eden releasing him, creating space. Then she was all action again, busily picking up his shopping to hand to him and they exited the bar together.


She thought that maybe the clothes would help, detach him from the ordinary that he was so withdrawn in. But as they had sat in the train compartment she realised he wasn’t simply timid but chronically anti-social, lacking in everyday social interactions had crippled him. She had only seen him truly at ease with a watch in his hands.

All the way there he was seconds away from turning back, shifting uncomfortably in his black blazer, his hand flittering up to hover above the hair she had teased before shaking it’s way back down so that Eden had to take it in hers. He had confided nervously that he didn’t dance, he couldn’t, he would disappoint her and make a fool of himself. Over and over, picking holes in himself. By the time they stood outside the school Eden was torn between feeling concerned and frustrated. But, as it turned out, they had nothing to worry about.

A metamorphosis was the only way to describe it. The hand holding hers stopped shaking and sweating, holding tight with determination as they entered the gym and saw people dotted around, seated at tables. His body simultaneously heightened and loosened, easy fluid grace seeping into his step as they moved further in. His face - she couldn’t stop staring at him. The worry lines smoothed, ticks and flinches ceased as an almost haughty expression settled over his features. He looked over everyone with a humorous cynicism, eyes taking everything in. But what did remain was his stillness.

“Hell Gabriel, I should take you out more often.” Those calm eyes flick to her and then trail over her face slowly before locking with hers. Soft and roasting at her and she felt her stomach tingle when he kept the contact up.

He smiled, head tilting to a table. “Come on.” Eden had been to many of these events as an arm piece to a jittery recluse but this may be the first time that her client had totally immersed himself into the act. She was Bree and he was her boyfriend. Not that he had told anyone this, no one came up to anyone they didn’t know and no one knew Gabriel. But as she watched him watching her she though that maybe he didn’t care, so satisfied was he.

80’s techno made way for slow, anguished romantic ballads and she found herself oscillating in his arms, hands on his shoulders, face tilted up to his. His eyes flickered once over the other dancers before he looked down to her and there his gaze remained. He raised an eyebrow at her gentle scrutiny.

“What is it?” Even his voice was changed, deeper.

“You’re different. More confidant.”

He shrugged, the hand circling her waist drawing her closer. “You said that we had to behave as if in a role play.”

Her brows lifted. “You’re acting right now?”

His lips curled softly and he looked down. Gabriel was there but just not completely, if he was she would have been dancing with a quivering mess. And he really wasn’t that different to her, for what was she doing but performing? But this was the first time someone had gone all out and recuperated. She pressed herself forwards as his hands started a slow, leisurely exploration of her back and flanks.

“You’re so small, my hands can ring your waist.” He proved this briefly before his fingers trailed sensually up her silken gloved body. Brown eyes seemed to drink up her appearance and she could read an obvious interest but mostly a calm happiness. “I haven’t been this close to anyone for a long time…” his hand cupped around her neck and his thumb brushed over her cheek.

“I hope not, I would have to ditch you if you were unfaithful.” She smiled mischievously, expecting the same from him but instead he flinches, eyes hardening.

“That wouldn’t happen.”

“You would never cheat on me?” Metaphorically speaking she added mentally.

His eyes became intense but not hard. “Never, not if I had you.” He continued to stare at her and Eden was stumped, was it an act or was he truthful? Maybe she didn’t want to know. Didn’t need to know.

“Well for the next four hours you do have me.” He wants to kiss her, his eyes twitching down to her mouth and when he dips his head there is hardly a tremble in him, just the sure pressure of his lips. The opening of her own to accept him takes her by surprise but it’s a far away worry. He takes her mouth over and over, till no more songs play and disinterested people make their way back home.

But the confidence starts to shed it’s skin on the train back, his furtive gaze and hand on her thigh constant, as if making sure she was still there. Any response to her concern were met with a hasty nod and a flickering smile, his newly seen transformation slipping to reveal the timid man she had first met. The carriage was empty of viewers.


It had been exhilarating after being so nervous. Like how actors say that they're a wreck of nerves but then overcome with serenity when on stage was how Gabriel had felt when he stepped into that gym. It had been so easy, so effortless that the actual process of acting never entered his mind. Everyone saw him with her, everyone gave him quick interested glances, trying to place him. Even with his glasses on they would never connect him with Gabriel but god he hoped they did.

She sits in his chair, sighing as she takes the uncomfortable strappy shoes off her feet. He stands by the cabinet thinking they both look ridiculously overdressed in his scholarly room. Well, not her, she looks beautiful.

“You were amazing Gabriel, really surprised me.” She sighs, resting back and the low light cast gleaming ripples on her dress, silky black material that hung around her neck, sharp bird shoulders bare. He rubs his fingers together, smooth from the times he had rubbed them over her.

He shrugs but is pleased. “I wouldn’t even have been there if it wasn’t for you.” He looks at her with a soft lingering affection and Eden blinks up at him sleepily, smiling back with eyes narrowing.


“I just -” He stalls, getting his words together. “You have no idea what this means to me, you being here. I can’t even say what I mean.” He breathed out, vexed and sat down next to her, slumped and she starts to giggle at his melodramatic concern.

“Gabriel, you're very sweet man. You just have to make the effort you know? Go out there, make friends and even meet girls.” She said it kindly, leaning forward but he just stares at her like she were mad.

“But I don’t want to, I mean I don’t need to.” Not when I have you. It was never spoken but it vibrated around her none the less, the admission plain on his face. She swallows, looking at him sadly. Gabriel rose quickly, eyes looking away.

He circles his room, circles her slowly and she still remains, sitting still. He comes to stand by the partition hiding his bedroom, back to her. “Will you stay with me tonight?” His voice is a whisper.

“…W- what?” Her voice is thick with sleep as he turns to see her struggle up right.

“Will you sleep with me?” Her face peers up at him above the back of the chair and he can’t read her at all.

“I don’t do sex.” Voice monotone, stating a fact.

His lungs inflate, blood rushing and he takes a step closer. “Not like that. Just fall asleep with me.”

He sees her dark eyes soften, so hard and uncannily intense before. Her mouth starts to form into its old curl. “Still your girlfriend?” She looks at his walls, looking for a clock and tilts her head, confused and sidetracked. “You have no clock?”

His eyes widen and he shakes his head. “No, don’t need it to be honest, I can tell the time without one.”

“Impressive.” She rises from the chair and comes to him, head still tilted. “What I was going to say is, your time is up…” She taps her bare wrist but what she was really doing was rubbing her fingers together. Had to pay for her to lie with him. It was worth it.

Exchanges undertaken she was in his arms again and although he couldn’t hold her with the surety of before he was finding it easier.

“What the hell is that before we go anywhere.” She wobbled on her tiptoes, looking over his shoulder at the heavy black curtain he had for a bedroom door.

“It’s - well, it’s a curtain.” He said simply, smiling with a blush.

She presses up to him, arm around his neck and her head falls heavy on his shoulder. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…”

He doesn’t want to pick her up so he twists her around with one hand while the other draws the material back. He explains in a soft low voice about how it was originally one big open space, his original bedroom too small and dingy. He sat her down on his bed, blood flaming his skin as she leans back on her hand and then slowly sinks down onto her back.

“What other bedroom?” Her question goes unanswered as he moves to the bathroom, switching on the lights. He turns back to see her watching him, eyes half lidded. “Got something for me to wear?”

“I have some nightgowns hanging up.” He keeps a straight face and she stares at him shocked before she laughs.

“Gabriel you cracked a joke!”

“Yes I did.” He turns to his chest of draws, breathing in deeply, his heart beating to hard. He opens his draw and sees his sweaters neatly folded and then closes it again, shaking his head. He bends down, pulling a draw open and tugs out a t-shirt. She rolls off the bed and takes it from his outstretched hand, seemingly at ease. The bathroom door closes behind her with a click and he finally lets the emotions shake him, his face twisting and turning with fear and joy. He wants to laugh hysterically and cups a hand to his mouth as his mouth cracks open. Needs to get this commotion in him out before he’s in there with her. The bed. He holds his breath as he pulls back the cover on the tiny thing, back shaking and face flushing.

The door opens and she comes out, cell phone to her ear. Telling her contact about the change of plans. He lifts his head up, bent over the bed with the sheet in his fist and stills at the sight of her. Her face is clear of make-up, the first time ever. The grey t-shirt reaches to below her knees and it’s so big that one round shoulder slopes out of the neck. Her legs are very white and very thin, knees slightly nobly. A Chinese tattoo is inked into her foot. She looks startling in her nakedness, because that was it really, no more money soiled clothes and scents. Just what he had offered.

Her fey body was loosely enveloped with it and she tugs it down self-consciously as she hangs up, the fabric taut over small breasts and he feels a boiling swell rolling up from his centre which makes him feel at once totally full to bursting and weightless.

She blinks at his adoring gaze, stuck fast on her feet from the weight of it and she starts to redden, hand hovering up to touch her face. Then she’s cocking her body to the left, mouth pursed with humour. “I should feel affronted, you never looked at me like that at the dance. Maybe I should have worn this!” She comes towards him, putting her cell in her bag as he lowers his face with muffled apologies. Eden slips into the bed, making herself comfortable with a bemused look. “You gonna fit in this?”

He scratched the back of his head, biting the inside of his cheek. He hadn’t really thought about that. “We’ll see…” Once changed into his pyjamas he exists the bathroom and sees she’s on the very edge of the bed, the covers thrown back for him. She looks asleep. Breathing deeply, unable to stop smiling he gets in, resting on his side. Some wriggling and rearranging follows with Eden shifting over to him, her body half draped around his and he takes her in his arms, has to.

Soft lips kiss his cheek and then his lips. Goodnight.


She knew, once she had calmed down, that he was doing this because he thought he was helping her. Because he loved her.

She gets up from her knees and feels her way through the dark, to the dim glow of light coming from the far corner. Window, small window. Eden races to it, tripping over old newspapers and begins to push it open, ropey muscles tense. Then she’s banging on the ledge with all her strength, the nails cutting into her palm.

Break it open and escape. She still had time, she could get there before him.

gabden, fic: girlfriend, heroes

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