Nov 02, 2007 13:44
As the saying goes...
However, it may never be better than it is today, and today is one of those "I've had every joint in my body dislodged, and reassembled by some shade tree mechanic..." kinda days.
Nevertheless, I'm trying to do some good whilst feeling no good, and am taking down the Halloween decor, but I keep it up year 'round in my heart, I swear.
Also, I think N!mbus has caught on to the switcheroo I pulled with his kitty kibble and Lulu's Old Queen lady kibble... which he naturally prefers 7 to 1 over the 2/3rds uneaten bag of his stuff... So I finally just put her food on the left of the waterbowl, and his to the right, and we shall see what comes of that. I'm having to larn him not to scratch climb the furniture... It's time to get some lovely citrus spray to save our shit!