Oct 21, 2008 12:54

Choose two of the links from the first page of this lesson. Then answer the following questions in English:

A. Cuban food

1. What are some of the typical Cuban foods? Yuca, Malanga, Boniato, and Croquetas
2. Compare and contrast their cuisine to what you generally eat.
They don’t have many friend foods in their diet, but I do.
3. What Cuban food have you tried before? Did you like it? If you have not tried any, what do you think you’d like and why?
I haven’t tried any Cuban foods, but I think I’d like tostada, since I like bread.

B. Cuban pastime

1. What is the favorite Cuban pastime mentioned in this link? What other game is played?
2. Where is Domino Park located?
3. What games do you and your friends typically play?

C. Jai-alai (a sport that originated in Spain)

1. What is jai-alai? To which sports is it similar?
Jai-alai is sport that originated in Spain. It is similar to lacrosse.
2. In what part of Spain did jai-alai originate? What did the players use for courts?
Jai-alai originated in the Basque county of Spain, and players used church walls as the course
3. Have you ever seen it played? Does this sport interest you? Why or why not?
I have never seen it played, but it seems interesting because lacrosse is interesting.

D. Freedom Tower

1. What is the Freedom Tower? Why can it be compared to Ellis Island?
It is where Spanish people used to get their naturalization papers processed.
It can be compared to Ellis Island because it is where immigrants would get their papers set to go to America.
2. What does freedom mean to you?
Freedom to me is having a voice, being able to syay m


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