Jun 23, 2004 21:13
I stole this from Mythili. I want to find more of these. I love filling them out.
1. a gray t-shirt
2. blue jean shorts
3. mmm....a bra?
1. this desk...? well, a computer
2. CDs and a stapler and a camera and a book and glue and garbage amd a lamp and a printer and a pen and a paintset and batteries and all sorts of other crap!
3. lots and LOTS AND LOTS of papers!
1. Travel the world
2. Reach (for at least 10 seconds of my life) true nirvana!
3. And naturally, Have really great sex
1. good things about me? .... I’m...creative...
2. I will never have an urge to hurt someone in any way unless they go out of their way to make me really miserable
3. If I put all my effort into something I am usually naturally pretty good at it (with the exception of socializing with assholes and dickheads)
1. I can be a hypocrite
2. I have secret vengeances towards people which I will constantly dwell over and make quite well known to the public
3. I’m occasionally too impulsive for my own good.
1. I don’t actually want PDS to burn in hell...wow, what a shocker...
2. I love lots of people
3. I’m terrible at socializing with people who I don’t already have some sort of connection with. Like, at PDS, I only become friends with people if they initiate the friendship or if I already know a lot about them. Or if I know that I’ll probably never see them again, then I’ll be an insane freak. But otherwise, I go and sit in a corner. I’m getting much better though.
1. Like, then I did this.
2. Burn in hell asshole!
3. Okay. Whatever.
2. Nirvana.
3. and Guatamala.
1. Jessica
2. Jess
3. Jessus
4. by my brother--El Cristobal
6. by Ms. Westrick--Jessie (errrg....bitch)
7. by my mom--Bitch
8. by people looking at my sports uniforms-- Number 29
9. by Green--Remington
10. by some weird highschoolers--Remy
A - Act your age - hmmm...what is a 14 year old supposed to act like? Adults tell us to act more mature, but they don’t treat us like adults anyway, and since most kids my age “don’t act their age” and do lots of stupid things, the “behavior for our age” actually becomes acting like the kids that do stupid things, so....yeah, I guess so.
B - Breast size - 32/34A?
C - Chore you hate - Sweeping up clumps of dirt, or picking up nasty crap off the floors or counters....*uhhh puke*
D - Dad's name - Rick. Ahhh, imagine his nicknames in highschool...
E - Essential make up item - For me--in desperate situations where I don’t have to time to use the slow process of getting rid of my acne--cover up! I think most people look good in eyeliner.
F - Favorite actror/ess - I made the question include actors so I could dwell on my Johnny!! Favorite Actress: Julia Stiles Favorite Actor: dur... hottie Johnny!! yay!!
G - Gold or silver - silver. gold is too flashy for me.
H - Hometown - Bordentown.
I - Instruments you play - Piano. I don’t like it very much...but its ok.
J - Job title - umm...babysitter? I’m “befriending” this Latino like, 40yr.old busboy at a local restaurant, so maybe a job there? Also, my mom’s boss offered me a job as a secretary, and assistant newspaper reporter. I found that slightly amusing, but she just loves my mom and would do anything to get her acceptance.
K - Kids - They’re adorable. I love them. Except the annoying bossy spoiled ones that think they’re better than everyone else.
L - Living arrangements - Mom, Dad, younger brother and sister. And all their friends. A two-story house; my bedroom.
O - Overnight hospital stays - Two. Well, when I was born I stayed in the hospital for a week afterwards to help my breathing or something... And once when...well I got to the hospital at around 10:30PM, and didn’t go home until almost 3AM. I count that as overnight.
P - Phobias - Breaking the skin at the fleshy underpart of the wrist. The anticipation of a long awaited premature death to an incurable disease. And an unpreventable pre-mature unexpected death. And a preventable pre-mature unexpected death. And regretting things when I’m dead when I cant go back and fix them.
Q - Quote you like - If ignorance is bliss, then why do we all strive to have the most knowledge?--me; What comes will come and we’ll meet it when it does.--Hagrid; By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes--MacBeth; You think you can stop me and spit in my eye? You think you can love me and leave me to die? --Queen
R - Religious affiliation - Presbytery/ atheism/ conforming to Wicca...?
S - Siblings - Younger brother and sister
T - Time you wake up and go to sleep? - Wake up during school year: 6AM. During summer: Sometime between: 9:30 and noon. Go to sleep during school year: 11PM. During summer: Sometime between midnight and 4AM.
U - Unique habit - If a room is clean, I will drive myself crazy keeping it spotless. If it’s messy, then I’ll leave it that way.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat - ?? I don’t mind asparagus and brussel sprouts but I hate carrots.
W - Worst habit - Procrastinating and being lazy.
X - X-rays - mouth, toes, and middle finger (twice)
Y - Yummy food you make - I don’t make food. I make Hot Pockets and microwavable burritos, macaroni from the blue box and the frozen Pillsbury cookies.
Z - Zodiac Sign - Scorpio and proud!
[ Current Mood ] Very bored and contemplating whether to do something or not.
[ Current Music ] Sixties and Rock!! Woowoo! Make way for Simon &Garfunel, Sly &the Family Stone, Donovan, Blood Sweat and Tears, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Alice Cooper, Queen, Pink Floyd, and Guns N’ Roses!! WOOTWOOT!!
[ Current Taste ] Some really nasty Hot Pocket and piece of Hershey’s chocolate. And more recently, my phlegm.
[ Current Make-up ] None, it’s the summer. I don’t want my sweat dripping it down my face...errg gross.
[ Current Hair ] A little wet from a shower about 8 hours ago and in a sloppy ponytail.
[ Current Annoyance ] The bee that’s stuck in our window (and has been for the past week, I cant believe its still alive) and boredom.
[ Current Smell ] Sink unclogger stuff from the bathroom like 10 feet away.
[ Current Desktop Picture ] ummm....my own creation? A black screen with green writing all sorts of random sentences and then some random clips of Johnny, Leo, and Bloody Alice.
[ Current Favorite Band ] Queen and Pink Floyd
[ Current Book you're reading] School summer reading book--Nickel and Dimed. And Im analyzing Alice In Wonderland. But the Disney movie is better. And I’m always reading Harry Potter.
[ Current CD in CD Player ] Either: Hear It Now, The Sound of The Sixties! or The Wayne’s World Soundtrack. Or...Guns N Roses Greatest Hits.
[ Current DVD in player] Probably Scary Movie 3...or wait we returned that...so nothing.
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] some are blank, some fading blue
[ Current Refreshment ] My phlegm.
[ Current Worry ] Getting yelled at by the mother for doing something else wrong.
Last person...
[ You Touched ] My brother
[ You Talked to ] Julie
[ You Hugged ] Tammy
[ You Instant messaged ] Julie
[ You Yelled At ] The mother, of course...or wait! No! My brother! When we got in some stupid argument about who was more annoying and we ended up getting in a screaming fist fight... And my mother about 10 minutes before that becuz I didn’t look out for my sisters friend so I’m an irresponsible bitch.
[ You Kissed ] Cant remember. Too long ago. Probably one of my guy friends a couple months ago in a friendly way.
[ Food ] Something that’s unhealthy but should be magically healthy just for me.
[ Drink ] Strawberry Dackery
[ Color ] Something vibrant but made hazy because it’s inside an ice glacier.
[ Shoes ] Something cheap but looks very cool. And my hippie green flipflops.
[ Candy ] Ferro Rocher!!
[ Animal ] Cute fuzzy little kitties and vicious children-eating serpents
[ TV Show ] Sex and the City; Conan O’Brien; some South Park episodes; Roseanne
[ Movie ] Anything with Johnny Depp or mini Leo Dic or by TIM BURTON!! actually, Leo was in a LOT of absolutely terrible movies...
[ Song ] I’m way too indecisive so let’s leave this one blank before I take up the whole friggin page, shall we?
[ Fruit ] Clemeteens. lol, inside joke. oh Julia...
[ Cartoon ] Calvin & Hobbes, Dilbert [wait, that’s his name right?..]
[ Understanding ] In some cases.
[ Open-minded ] Very.
[ Insecure ] I suppose deep down I am.
[ Interesting ] To most people, very.
[ Random ] Incredibly.
[ Hungry ] Sometimes.
[ Friendly ] I don’t know how I portray myself to others. I just am me and don’t stop to think about how I’m behaving.
[ Smart ] Smarter than the “average” USA of today, but in comparison to PDS: no. I’m basing this statement on SSAT scores.
[ Moody ] Ummm... I think so....
[ Childish ] Occasionally
[ Hard working ] No. Hardly ever. Big flaw of mine.
[ Organized] Sometimes I am mentally, but very rarely. I am a very disorganized person.
[ Healthy ] Sometimes I get urges for days to be the healthiest human being alive. Then after Im finished with that phase I go to the other extreme where I eat ice cream for breakfast, pork and greasy burritos for lunch, and chocolate double stuff oreos for dinner. And some artificial lemonade and sugar-packed Gatorade and beer....
[ Emotionally Stable ] I’m probably bi-polar, lol. With the health phases comes sheer happiness and bliss, etc. But with unhealthy phases comes depression and hatred and anger.
[ Difficult ] Ditto Mythili: Amazingly.
[ Attractive ] I don’t really know the correct definition of Attractive anyway. I have some aspects that the media and pop magazines would truly love, like being a twig and having long legs, but I’m basically boobless and have awful acne and yellow teeth and don’t know how to smile. Besides, I don’t have the ‘attractive’ air about me.
[ Bored Easily ] Yes. HELL YES.
[ Messy ] Yes. HELL YES.
[ Thirsty] Not really. But I get more thirsty than hungry.
[ Responsible ] Not really, I wouldn’t depend on me to do something important.
[ Angry ] I get angry pretty easily. Most especially with Republicans, anything related to George Bush, the African warlords, the media, and...teachers (grr..).
[ Sad ] I usually just get angry and hateful, not often sad. The only times I get sad are when I think about all my leaving friends, and the injustices of the world.
[ Happy ] Sure.
[ Hyper ] Depends on who I’m with. But I can be.
[ Trusting ] I can trust a person with someone else’s life...but...I don’t know...I’m so cruel...
[ Talkative ] Can be extremely talkative with the right crowd. But I definitely don’t have ADHD. When I’m with people I’m uncomfortable around I can sit still while they are blabbing away and I completely disagree with what they’re saying and feel ready to shoot them, and I can remain silent as stone for hours. I once went 5 days with once speaking during the summer. I read and watched TV and hung out with people I’m uncomfortable around.
[ Legal ] about 93% of the time. (I presume this means I do legal things.)
[ Kill ] People who deserve it. But I don’t believe in capital punishment. Actually...I wouldn’t mind seeing some people dead, but have never yet met someone who I would receive pleasure in personally killing.
[ Slap ] Someone who is a real jack-ass. Probably a red-neck.
[ Get Really Wasted With] My new crush...hehe...and this isn’t Johnny, he’s a real potential person.
[ Get High With ] Nicky Lehmann said that he’d call me once he gets hold of some marijuana or other drugs and we’ll go to Mr. Ora’s office and get high in front of him and laugh at him cuz he’s so stupid! ok...sorry...I socialize with guys who have long hair. Okay--heres my lineup....ish...?
I don’t talk to guys with strait Alon-ish hair. I’m friends with guys who have long or big hair. I like guys who have curly hair. That sounds so shallow...probably cuz it is...
[ Look Like ] I really think that Winona Ryder was pretty in the nineties. And for some reason, even though I think that she’s relatively ugly, I would like to look like her cuz her personality fits her looks which makes her relatively not ugly and kind of cool: Sarah Jessica Parker.
[ Talk To Offline ] My crush or a good friend.
[ Talk To Online ] Ditto above.
[in the morning i am] asleep or praying to god to let me sleep and to bestow a terrible curse upon those who won’t let me sleep.
[all i need is] sleep. and lots of self-confidence. and a real love. and a light for my bedroom.
[love is] the only thing worth dying for. (I took this from Mythili and I love it!)
[im afraid of] see the one where I say what I’m afraid of.
[i dream about] Everything. Usually involving people I know or making no sense at all. I’ve dreamt about crushes, my friends, teachers, the M&Ms guys, the Harry Potter characters, non-existent step-aunts, trailer parks, floating chairs on black ice skating rinks, dinosaurs stealing my oranges...everything really.
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: Coke.
[flowers or candy]: Candy! Woo woo! Something that’s not just decoration and will make me happy!
[tall or short]: Same height as whatever I am on that day.
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: Ditto Mythili-- No. I will sit on the computer all night, though.
[save aol/aim conversations]: Yes. I have almost every one from September 13 2003 except the really small stupid pointless 5 second convos (this would mean over 269 pages)
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: Sometimes, when I think that life as a woman would be too hard. But guys kind of suck sometimes.
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: of course.
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: Yes. But not recently. Ive thought about it and realized that when I was 0-5 my best friend was a boy and we kissed sometimes, we have it on home video, its really cute.
[been rejected]: Not directly
[rejected someone]: Yes, all of them assholes.
[used someone]: No. But I’ve mooched off people sometimes.
[been cheated on]: Sort of...
[done something you regret]: Im too bored to type my whole belief here, but I believe that people often spend too much time regretting and should not dwell on the mistakes of the past, but should instead focus on how not to make those same mistakes of the future.
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: No, but I have before when I was very little. And I dont think I will as a habit anytime soon.
[could you live without the computer?]: It would be very tough.
[color your hair]: No. But if it ever turns officially ugly like my moms did when she was a kid, then I will color it all sorts of weird colors.
[ever get off the *beep* computer]: umm....that is debatable...
[habla espanol]: Si, un poquito...
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: About 100 or something, and I don’t really care either
[drink alchohol?]: Yes. No more than once a week on a consistent basis though.
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: Yes.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional pain. It’s much harder to get over.
-N U M B E R-
of times i have had my heart broken?: My typical response: He didn’t break it, it still functions perfectly.
of hearts i have broken?: I doubt any.
of guys i have kissed?: 3...? And two of them were really good friends...
of continents i have lived in?: Only North America. Only USA. Only New Jersey. Only Burlington county. Only Bordentown. Only the same friggin house for my whole life!
of tight friends?: A couple.
of cd's that i own?: That are currently in my possession....about 10. That I have at one point within the past five years owned, but are now lost? About 15 others...