Right, so, the way this works: comment and I ask you a series of five questions. You post these questions on your journal, where people comment, you ask them questions, &tc.
Jessica asked:
1. What is your favorite face to make (describe it)?
I like the open-mouth stoned looking face. You can see it in every picture ever taken of me ever. Or the duck face.
2. What was your favorite part of high school?
OH GOD. High school. That's pretty much what I can say about that--my graduation speech had a whole list of what I liked about it.
Because I was greeted with three seniors having an impromptu dance party my first day. Because of the color-changing student lounge, and the vending machine that never has enough twix bars. Because of the Ave Maria, sung at least fifteen times every year, and the fact that I know it backwards and forwards. Because I fail at folding curtains after a drama performance, and some other cast member, Beth, Jen, a parent, or a random friend has to come and help me. Because of Sister Diane, who always says hello and goodbye as you enter and leave the library. Because I lose things every day, and there is always a peer to help me find them-even if I had never spoken to that person before in my life. Because of Dominican hall, and the announcements made by everybody, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior--be it a lost backpack, the fact that they were on television the day before, or a dance off campus. Because of the obligatory roses we give to Student council, and the indigenous skits we made up gods for. Because of the panic dances we do before finals, and the peanut butter in the cafeteria. Because of the big-little sister social events, and failing completely to decorate a gingerbread house, but somehow having lots of fun with the frosting. Because I have nicknames in languages I don’t know. Because of Spirit week, Lizzy Preuss’s skirt shorts, and the faculty skit. Because of Mr. Mello rewinding Jesus of Nazareth, Mr. Bowermaster cursing the DVD player, and Hilary’s turtle. Because of freshman foundations, sophomore history, junior English, and the many senior free periods.
Because teachers here do not let you fail, and try their hardest to understand your circumstances. Because when you enter the student lounge with your eyes watery and your face red, everybody gives their shoulder to cry on. Because girls just want to have fun.
3. What is the thing you like most about yourself?
The fact that people think I'm kind. And that I make people laugh.
4. If you could travel to anywhere in the universe, where would you go?
Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival, Connecticut to visit my cousins, Mexico (Andoorea-kun knows why :D), London, NYC.
5. What's your favorite song of all time?
All My Lovin' by the Beatles. No joke.