application for star_kingdom

Oct 26, 2011 15:12

Player info
Your Name: Lucy
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: AIM : divinas comedias
Livejournal: vitalstar
Your age: 21

Character info
Series/Fandom: Devil May Cry
Character's Name: Dante (No last name)
Character's Sex: Very male
Character's Age: 19
Canon point: End of Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening
    Because Dante was born a half demon, his natural human strengths are not necessary nullified but multiplied. Due to his blood lineage, Dante has inherited a demons super human strength. Whether he be holding it or being put through it, Dante is able to withstand more weight than the average human. In regards to weight, Dante is also canonly known to weigh a lot(credit to Devil May Cry(Novel)). If he, for example, is somehow knocked out and unable to move on his own accord, it takes several people to so much as lift him up. He's heavy but he can control his weight in the means that he won't kill someone for sitting on them when he's conscious and in control. He is a body of matter all on his own.

    He is able to inflict more damage with one punch making the feeling a close approximation to being thrown against a brick wall at high speeds. He can propel himself easily and kick off from the ground into a very high jump or make long leaps. He has incredible agility and dexterity. Dante can easily move around a battleground dodging with complicated moves and is more than capable of pulling off some acrobatic stunts. Because of his speed, Dante also holds the ability to 'walk' on walls. He can't exactly stay stationary on a wall and just stick, he uses the wall as a propelling medium or as a floor. It has to do more with speed and what he's doing. In short, he sticks to the laws of physics for the most part, Dante is not that magical.

    Dante has the ability of holding his breath for long periods of time, making it seem as if he can breath under water. Because of his high stamina, he has a very high tolerance to damage. It will take more than just bullets to take him out or several hundred hits. He's a walking killing machine, calling him a human would be more than an understatement. His senses have been literally multiplied exponentially making him capable of surpassing even the most gifted animals and their traits.

      ***The 'common side effects' to these given abilities are mostly in actions. What one would find normal to human behavior changes drastically for Dante. His diet must consist of a high caloric intake and he seldom sleeps due to him abnormally feeling rested after a couple of hours. He is capable of staying awake for several days without feeling tired depending on what activities he got himself through. Because his senses are so acute, in can be a problem. Smells that normally pass to most humans as sometimes annoying (like cigarette smoke or the distasteful wonders diapers can hold) can definitely mess with his senses. He's engineered to be better but he has kept all the same flaws.
    Alongside having very quick reflexes, Dante has an incredibly high level of speed. While in combat, he can move from one end of the battlefield to the other with nothing but a seconds notice(no, he cannot teleport). His reflexes are faster than average and his movements are alike. When it comes to running, Dante can really speed up his pace(in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, he seems to almost break the sound barrier). When it comes to his weapons, he can use his speed to his advantage by either impaling someone a thousand times with his sword, dodging out of an attack with an incredible counterstrike, or making holes in someone's person with a high amount of bullets(fast speed yields fast trigger fingers: In Devil May Cry(Novel) his trigger finger is so fast it melts regular guns). This is why he uses custom made guns.

    There is only one known way to effectively kill a devil and quite frankly, it's more easily said than done. It is said that by removing a demons heart, the beast will die because it will lose its ability to regenerate: no blood being pumped means no regeneration going forth. That being said, Dante can take an incredibly high amount of damage. From bullets lodged directly into his skull to numerous impaled scythes- Dante can take it all.

      ***His ability to heal works almost the instant he becomes injured, however, it has a set speed. Dante can reach a state where his body has taken too much damage for his healing abilities to heal quickly. The process may lag and Dante can fall into a death-like period until the healing catches up to a workable body but such moments have been rare. Also, it is canon proof that holy water does harm Dante and slows down his regenerative abilities. It's safe to assume that any weapon blessed or of some equal value can cause far more permanent damage.

      *****FOR MODS: Normally, I allow characters that have attacks that are light based(like mages) to apply a certain amount of damage, devils and demons in Devil May Cry are darkness-based after all. Abilities like innocence from D. Gray-Man as an example, I allow them to place more permanent damage. I don't want to take advantage of the regenerative abilities so I'm more than happy to work attacks. It's not fun when they don't get hurt, amiright?!
    Throughout the years, Dante has picked up several skills that have marked him as quite the exceptional fighter. Most of them revolve around a mastery of an array of weapons,the sword being his major forte. He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat that in combination with his other abilities, can easily make him a force to be reckoned with. These can be summed up into these groups which come out in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening:

    • SWORD MASTER - He is a master at swordplay and this stye allows him the ability to master any new weapon he picks up letting him use special techniques that wouldn't normally render as orthodox. Can you say 'flying guitar He's on all out offensive.
    • GUNSLINGER - Not only can he master the use of various guns he holds in his possession as main weapons but he can add them with swords to create even more dangerous attacks(an example is the move 'fireworks' that portrays a combination of his sword Rebellion and his shotgun). Dante is also able to add his skills into very effective acrobatic maneuvers and stunts.
    • ROYAL GUARD - In this style, Dante takes a more defensive approach stopping anything from sharp scythes with his bare arms to huge enemies to give him some room. This is normally done as an aid to another style but it shows he is quite gifted at defense.
    • TRICKSTER - Although Dante cannot teleport, he can move very fast to the point that it almost looks like he can. With this style, Dante tends to take a more sneaky approach attacking from behind or the sides maneuvering himself out of the way just in time for an enemy to land a blow on him.
    • QUICKSILVER - Dante holds the ability to stop time and slow it down, but be aware it is not permanent.
    • DOPPELGANGER - Just as quicksilver is not permanent, neither is this ability! Dante can create a replica of himself very to help him in battle.

      ***Because QUICKSILVER and DOPPELGANGER can sometimes seem OP'd, their use in-game is very unlikely to almost never. They won't get used unless permission is acquired or some event offers the chance to use them.
    Dante also has one final ability that marks him as a supreme unholy being: Devil Trigger. All the essence of his demonic heritage concentrates into this single ability. When our devil-boy transforms his body grows exponentially and takes up a strange style of red scales, sharp teeth, claws, and bug-like wings. Every ability Dante possess in his 'normal' state is multiplied. His strengths are fairly comparable to no one making him almost invincible. His speed accelerates, and most importantly his regeneration ability multiplies so as to make it almost seem like he isn't getting hurt (that is, if an attack can get past the thick scaly armor of his). During Devil Trigger, Dante has the ability to fly and instead of just using his guns, he is able to charge every shot with a frightening amount of demonic essence.

      ***In regards to weakness, it is canon proof that holy water does harm Dante and in this stage, it works no different. It's safe to assume that any weapon blessed or of some equal value can cause far more permanent damage but nothing he won't recover once he's de-triggered. Being in Devil Trigger makes him more inherently 'dark', so to speak, not evil. He is very sane and himself when in this mode. The only exception is DESPERATION MODE but that solemnly happens. In DESPERATION MODE, the demon is in full reign.

      *****TO MODS: Because Devil Trigger can seem very OP'd, his limit can be to use Devil trigger for only a certain ammount of time. Going into Devil Trigger takes energy therefore giving him an interval of about fifteen minutes is fine if you want.
    Dante is charged with an array of fighting styles that make him quite the dangerous foe. He has not only learned but mastered them making him a fast learner and therefore very quick at picking up enemy patterns. This helps the fact he has a very broad range of styles to counter attack with making him quite the gifted strategist. His super human strengths and healing also offer the devil-boy some space for trial and error in battle, allowing him to enter a battle without a concrete plan at times.
    It's a pretty good thing Dante has all of those super human strengths or else his usual methods of entering situations gun blazing wouldn't let him last long. Dante's usual methods of battle revolve around rash decisions and brute force. His abilities relatively allow him to use himself as a shield in order to protect others and he most certainly doesn't hesitate to stand still: he would rather take a rain of bullets to prove a point and intimidate (as seen in Devil May Cry(Novel)) than spend too much energy getting out of the way.

    A weakness with all of this power results on the maintenance of keeping up with the energy expended with having a ten foot devil inside of him. Dante has to be well fed and well rested, fatigue and exhaustion from battle can very much render him too weak to keep his 'head' and therefore allowing his devil and everything that devils do to be set free making him quite a dangerous man to those around him.

    To emphasize on the limits of ability, despite how powerful Dante might seem, there are definitely ways of bringing him down as mentioned in the abilities section in more detail. Dante is a devil and therefore a creature of darkness so the very opposite type of energy can definitely devastate Dante. His devil trigger has been shortened alongside the other abilities that offer too much strength for one person to handle in one game at the mods discretion.
    ♱ HUMAN
    ♱ DEVIL
    • Main Devil Trigger (Rebellion) : wings folded , wings extended
    • Secondary Devil Trigger (Cerberus) : here
    • Secondary Devil Trigger (Agni & Rudra) : here
    • Secondary Devil Trigger (Nevan) : here
    • Secondary Devil Trigger (Beowulf) here
    On the surface, Dante can be quite the shameless ladies man, a smooth charmer with poor luck, a chipper carpe diem baby, and wielder of an endless optimistic outlook to any situation- even if he's the one on the losing end. He jokes, he laughs, he always looks for a good time and stays as friendly as can be unless someone annoys him enough to piss him off. To the orderly and reserved, Dante can come off as being careless, immature, poorly mannered, and as many in canon like to bluntly call him, an idiot with no concern for consequence in a social environment. He can be quite a cocky bastard and an expert at keeping his cool, regardless of whether the one he is speaking to is a friend or a foe. He might get a bit rattled more times then not, but he always resorts back to his cool behavior.

    Ironically, the devil-boy is well aware of people's assumptions and his behavior. This general first impression he gives off to people rather common for him, like a type of mechanism to hide his true nature while he gets to test the waters for people. In reality however, there is more sadness behind that happy-go-lucky mask he tends to portray in public, the smiles an almost obnoxious attitude spare him the pity parties and the awkward questions.

    Behind that general attitude, there are more demons plaguing his mind on a daily basis then the ones he's actually killed. Dante's grief and trauma revolve around the loss of his mother and twin brother at a very young age. He roams the surface of this Earth lamenting and embracing the human inside of him while cursing and despising his father's heritage and blood. In public he prefers to keep his secrets well hidden and the guy cracking all the jokes isn't exactly the one people assume has the serious issues. He feels detached from the humans, the weight of being half-demon has made him feel almost unworthy of the title and his fears of the strength his heritage both interest and horrify him. Power is power and he knows very well that that same power, just as his father had used before him, could either save or destroy.

    Behind closed doors and in company of people he trusts in events that call for triggers, Dante can come off morbid haunted by his nightmares, shameful of himself, and at times highly suicidal as shown by what jobs he partakes(he works as a mercenary after all). His yearning to be normal by a human standard is what ultimately holds him in his depressive state when he realizes he cannot achieve it, he builds his own walls afraid he cannot be accepted. He dislikes being compared to demons since it was they who murdered his mother and took his brother away. His distaste for them runs incredibly deep though it is that same power he shares that allows him to protect the human race: it's just complicated. He never shows his darker side to anyone because he is far too insecure about opening to people since, it's not everyday you get a demon walking around. It doesn't help that his brother did a good work of murdering most, if not all, of the people that interacted with him from a young age. Dante considers himself a curse. He prefers to put a smile at the world and try and ignore the darkness surrounding him.

    Creating true bonds and friendships with people is sometimes difficult to Dante, he isn't opposed to spending time with people but after a certain amount of time when attachment is imminent he begins to hesitate. His inability to trust and commit into the normality of the human world despite his hard work to try and fit in is one of the main reasons why he can't keep a relationship with a girl or with friends. His insecurity and self loathing make it almost impossible for him to commit himself- people close to him always end up getting hurt. There are those few whom Dante has grown bonds with and which he cherishes. Dante lost everyone, he lives his life alone and in solitude. When a chance to bond takes place, however, Dante eagerly tries his best in attempts to embrace his human heritage. He can be the greatest best friend in the world, or simply your worst enemy. He can be very impatient, very potent to anxiety and can be quite the obnoxious little punk. But he's got a good heart. He'd sacrifice his very life if it meant protecting someone he cared about. Sometimes the guys heart is just too big.
    Dante is very determined to the point of stubbornness and despite his ill feelings towards himself, his love and respect for the human race keeps him moving and fighting. He feels strongly about protecting what he loves and that strength, although it might not be centered in confidence, keeps him fighting. The fact he is a half-human actually details as a strength, he's able to feel emotions and pains that help determine his fury and fighting wrath in the long run.
    There is forever a war between the light and dark of Dante's heart. One is fueled by the gift of emotions, freedom, and free will while the other is very self-centered and runs by common basics. Dante cannot ignore the demon within him and instead of trying to find a level ground between his two halves, he sometimes prefers cutting himself off completely, ignoring his devil, and therefore hindering and advancements (as seen in his refusal to awaken his demon in Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening). This hesitation can weaken him both in strength and in spirit making him delve into his broody moods.

Action/Journal Sample:
    I never thought I'd see the day I'd be calling currency munnie without getting some kind of injury. This is like some really bad acid trip. [A sigh.] This sure isn't hell but it's not Jersey either.

    [Dante's standing in a well-lit street fixing his coat and looking from side to side. Although he just finished hearing the bad news, there's no tears. His humor is intact but that frown is a clear indication he's not too level.]

    Did anyone see where that weird looking fairy went off to? You know, that white pant-less thing? Can we keep 'em? I bet they don't need to eat a lot. Don't even look like they shed.

    It sure said a lot of crap. Destroyed worlds? Yeah right. Probably got drunk again... woke up in another country...with fairy's...naked ones.
RP Sample:
    Things just weren't adding up in Dante's mind no matter how much thought he put into it. It was sometime during the night now in Traverse Town and Dante hadn't bothered going to the inn. He was restless, the words that moogle had told him were still rolling around his mind making him a mess. So my world's destroyed, he thought to himself bringing a hand up to rub at the back of his neck, last I remember I had just finished saving it.

    Talk about being denied. He heaves a sigh and looked up at the heavens "Can't I ever get a break?"

    Who that was directed to was beyond him, it was just a habit. Who didn't like the feeling that something was listening. As creepy as it sounded, it was reassuring. Living alone his entire life made him appreciate even the slightest bit of company. With a stretch and a grunt, he shifted on the roof where he sat and stared down at the street. This place was creepy. Clean. And creepy.

    "It's like a cross between Germany and Austria... or something from Europe. What the hell do I know: it has fairy's dammit."

    It was clear to him without a shadow of a doubt that he wasn't on earth and that he was probably nowhere near it... if that made any sense. He wasn't too keen on trusting the moogle's but it was the only lead he had. For now, their word was concrete until he could prove it otherwise. Tonight was the night to investigate and that was what he was going to do.
Have you read the rules & F.A.Q.s? Yes and my reward was a nice serving of paopu icecream!

!star_kingdom, !characterinfo

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