So, something that bothers me...
...Is people who claim to be a celebrity's biggest fan, and then go into "super hate-filled-bitch" mode the second that celebrity finds a significant other, or -god forbid- gets married!
Seriously, if you're really a fan, shouldn't you be supportive of them in ALL aspects, including their love life? If they're happy, we should be happy for them, right?
It just makes me angry... lol
I don't really get it. Like, when I heard Tetsu was married, sure I was a little envious. But it was like "Awww, that's sweeet! She's so lucky!" not "Ughhh! Why is he marrying her?! She doesn't deserve my precious Tetsu! She should just go DIE! GRARRHHH!!!~"
Cuz really, how do you think precious Tetsu would feel if she did up and off herself because a bunch of "fans" told her to?
.... Yeah. Probably pretty pissed, not to mention heartbroken.
I don't see the point in getting worked up. What is there to be truly jealous about? It's not like (no offence) any of us really have a chance. I mean come on....
Maybe if you knew the guy personally, had pined over him for years, went out every Friday for drinks with him or something... Yeah, maybe then being jealous would be understandable.
But most of us have never met him... We might have seen him from a distance if we were lucky, but it's never gone farther than that.
We can only support these people from afar, so what's with bashing anybody they get too (seriously) close too (Not counting fanservice here, obviously. xP).
I understand in fandoms, people (for the sake of fanfiction) will write certain characters' love interests as total idiots.
For example, Hyde's wife Megumi.
In most fictions involving her, she's the bitchy wife who makes poor Hyde's life hell, forcing him to find love elsewhere (generally from one -or many- of his bandmates or co-stars...). And I suppose that's fine.... People have written Hyde and other people they practically worship as jerks before too.
Its when the hate stems beyond poor Megumi's character in fanfiction and towards her actual self that things change negatively. She's a human being too guys...
I suppose my point is that... well, we don't know what goes on in our idols' personal lives, but if they say they're happy together with someone, we shouldn't bash the person they obviously care about... That's just cruel and unnecessary.
So, yeah! More supposrt and less 'real life' bashing, please!
Spread da luv~~~! <3 <3 <3