[fic] Step by Step; Light and Shade - (7/?)

Apr 25, 2011 21:58

TITLE: Step by Step; Light and Shade 
PAIRINGS: Sakuraiba, Matsumiya, Aimiya, Ohmiya, ShoxMaki, and JunxMao
LENGTH: Multi-chaptered
BANDS: Arashi (with Horikita Maki and Inoue Mao)
GENRE: Romance, drama... etc. 
RATING (by chapter): PG-13/14 
WARNINGS: AU, language and potentially sexual situations in later chapters.
SUMMARY: "To watch us dance is to ( Read more... )

pairing: junxmao, genre: au, pairing: ohnoxnino, pairing: junxnino, fic: step by step, pairing: shoxaiba, #fanfiction, pairing: shoxmaki, band: arashi, pairing: aibaxnino

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Comments 17

arashic0804 April 26 2011, 01:36:36 UTC
oh i love how the story flows...
need more of this...
and i wish in the end aimiya can ended up together *an aimiya otp-er here* XD


albinococonut23 April 27 2011, 16:40:52 UTC
Lol, writing this fic is definitely making Aimiya grow on me :P
Thanks for reading!


cherry1989 April 26 2011, 10:29:19 UTC
Sho bought Chubby! <3 Aiba will be so happy to hear about it! =D

Thanks for writing and sharing <3 This was exactly what I needed to clear my head from my (stupid, boring, why-am-I-even-trying)law assignments =P


albinococonut23 April 27 2011, 16:41:53 UTC
Chubby<333 :P
Thanks for reading!! Good luck with those assignments :P


londyna April 26 2011, 11:16:40 UTC
I'm sure Sho will find his true love thanks to the puppy! :D
thank you for sharing (^.^)y


albinococonut23 April 27 2011, 16:42:49 UTC
Lol, Chubby's a matchmaker :P
Thanks for reading!


so_gracefull April 26 2011, 12:38:27 UTC
awww..Sho really bought Chubby! I like this chapter, so many developments but still with so many complicated relationships like who'll end up with who. ^_^


albinococonut23 April 27 2011, 16:43:35 UTC
Haha yep, this chapter probably just made things more complicated than before. :P
Thank you for reading!!


faradakiut April 26 2011, 13:54:27 UTC
aw~~ sho ended up adopting chubby in the end~ X3


albinococonut23 April 27 2011, 16:44:06 UTC
heheh yay~ Chubby~
Thanks for reading!


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