It's poll time! Voting will happen in two places, here and at the sim oasis forum. The poll will close after three days, I'll add up all the votes and our heir will be announced. I would really appreciate it if people would only vote at one of the voting spots, to keep voting fair, instead of giving certain people a double vote.
So, let's have a look at our potential heirs!
We start with Mike, the older brother who's neurotic just like our sweet founder Dani, and who would make a great husband and dad.
Our next option is Tony, the underdog of the family although I'm positive he'd do a great job as heir of the Whiteside family.
You could also vote for sweet Claire, the only true genius out of five kids, with a golden heart and a lovely future ahead of her.
But, then there's Fey, she's the only non-blonde of all the kids and while she has a great love for boys she'd be truly happy settling down and being heir.
Of course we also have the Benjamin in this family, the only non-twin, who will make a loving wife to some very lucky guy.
Can you make a choice?
Poll Whiteside, gen 3, heir poll