I was tagged by
cpowellscircus !
A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it". And if I tag you, you're obliged to go through with this.
I am tagging
itsasimslife ,
acrumplebottom ,
asims3blog ,
erykahfairy ,
keenna ,
leapsbarnes ,
xoxk9 . Now I know that's not 10, but I'm not extremely social on here and these are the only people I feel comfortable tagging/bothering.
1. Against the laws of nature, I can lick my elbow.
2. I haven't properly played Sims (3) in months.
3. For years I have consistently chewed the insides of my cheeks.
4. In the past 4 months I have gained more weight then in the year before that.
5. Even though according to my dentist I don't need a root canal treatment, it is a fact that for at least 6 months I have not been able to put anything cold near the left side of my mouth without cringing in pain.
6. While I'm 18, I still sleep with my teddy bears.
7. Apparently I have a talent for taking out jeans, since I somehow have ended up with only 2 usable pairs again.
8. My newest sweater and t-shirt are Primark children sizes. They're cheaper, cuter and still fit, so I really don't care.
9. I am pissed of that one of my best friends has decided she can't go on the holiday that we agreed on 2 years ago. It wasn't set in stone or anything, but I'd still counted on it, especially since she came up with the original idea. But now she's going on a holiday with her parents and later on with her boyfriends parents, so she can't possibly afford to go on a holiday with me and another friend. I say, don't go with the parents, you're 19 by the time we're going! Seriously, if I had to choose between a holiday with 2 of my best friends, or a holiday with my parents.. (rant ends here)
10. Becoming an au pair was one of the silliest things I ever did. I suck at not being with my family.