Jun 10, 2013 22:29
My god.
These new admin do nothing but talk about flirting and relationships and people of their preferred sex. All the time! It's boring!
And I can't take someone who says "If I was a guy I'd have the biggest boner for him, I swear," seriously. As fun as it was watching the 'him' blush, it was just wrong.
For my birthday Ben2 and me went to London, ended up at Portabello Market in the morning with his family (?) and then lunch in Kensington Gardens and then the Natural History Museum where I learnt that staring at something for a bit longer than normal meant he took a picture of it for me :D There's also pictures from our trip to Hampton Court the other week that he has to send me still - apparently there's one where I'm looking very thoughtfully at a painting where I look nice. I think I know what I was looking at but I don't remember him either being near me or having his camera out which is concerning...
I mentioned this birthday trip the other day to bessie mate and she started making sarky "Oo, how romantic!" comments which annoyed me. She vaguely redeemed herself by getting Iain to come out to lunch, but I'm still annoyed. I tried to cut her out but I had a bit of a breakdown and ended up contacting her again. Better luck next time.
What else, what else... Oh, my telephone assessment for CBT is on Wednesday morning. 8.30am, but it takes half an hour so that's the only time to really do it before work. Bit nervous, but it's fine. I can talk about being nervous. And mention Italy, that seemed to tick some sort of box with the doctor.