After hearing people talk about it on 2_lines, and some frantic Googling for reviews and overviews, I found some free wifi and downloaded Zombies, Run! onto my STILL UNNAMED iPod Touch. It is helpful, I keep getting the bus home if it looks vaguely like rain so it made me walk today. Even if I did get soggy
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Well, it is very natty, BUT soo expensive. And almost everything you can do with it you can do it just as easily on your laptop. And personally I find it a bit awkward using when I'm out, the lockscreen never seems that bright so I just hope I'm hitting the right numbers and because of the size + case it's not easy to just grab it out of your pocket to check the time or change the song (to be fair, that could just me having a rubbery non-slip case for it that traps it in my pockets).
On the other hand, it is good, and it can do things my iPod Nano can't like editing playlists without connecting it to iTunes which is useful. Battery doesn't last too long compared to my other iPod & I've had a few problems with it loading songs but again I think that's me rather than the actual iPod.
So, if you really REALLY want one, then I'd say save up for one. Mine's quite useful now I know what to do with it.
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