(no subject)

Jun 19, 2012 08:59

Might have bought the Merlin t-shirt off Qwertee. Maybe. Possibly. Don't judge me.

I finished 50 Shades of Grey on the weekend and... ergh. I can't read the other two, I can't. I'm not being mean because everyone else is, I just can't believe a book that uses the phrase I feel as weird pinching sensation deep inside me as he rips through my virginity was published. She makes money from this!! And isn't in convenient that the girl who didn't really know what sex entailed was born without a gag reflex. Rather.

Ooo, I went to see Frankenstein, with Benedict Cumberbatch as the Creature and Johnny Lee Miller as Frankenstein. Not live, they filmed it and it was on in Harrow. It was good! No real ending though - but I've not read the book, that might be how she ended it. It's a shame they're not releasing it because I think I'd watch it over and over.

And I need to work on not being terrified of everything. I spent ages awake last night worrying because there were some papers moved on my desk and some (that should have been dealt with/put away in April but weren't) were left out on the keyboard. In reality - someone probably knocked over the papers, probably a cleaner, and just picked them up and left them there. In my head - my supervisor found them, left them strategically laid out so I'd see they'd been moved and, as she was on training yesterday, is waiting til she's in today so she can have a go at me.
I didn't sleep last night over this! That's stupid. I was panicking all day yesterday over this, whenever there was a new email coming through. I went and hid in the stationary cupboard first thing when my inbox was loading up. This isn't normal!

Now typing that out has made me feel worse. Fuck sake.
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