Rambles rambles

Jan 12, 2012 08:10

So on New Year's Day I woke up, not only hungover to fuck, but with the left side of my jaw hurting. Not the actual jaw, just the joint (I suppose? Jaw joint sounds not right. You know what I mean). And it still hurts. 11 days later. Not badly, it's just annoying. Did I mention this in my other entry? Can't remember now. Either way. I'm going to the doctor's to make an appointment tomorrow morning. I'm rather confident that it won't be anything to do with my wisdom teeth, which my Mum thinks, because it's just too high up for that. But my teeth did feel a bit out of whack that morning so I'm worried I might have done something but I think you'd notice the next day if you'd realigned your jaw.

It's also the same side of my face that my ear swelled up. If you put your finger in your ear, is there a little bump on the bottom of the entrance of the ear canal? I only have that in one year, but I'm sure it was both before it swelled up but I'm not sure if that's just me or everyone. I thought everyone had two webbed toes before I was corrected, so I've learnt not to assume on these kinds of things.
Where was I?
Yeah, ear swelled up, gone down now but still a bit. Maybe something to do with that? I'm also making myself a bit paranoid because I'm sure that weird lump that was slowly blocking my throat was on that side of my mouth and now I've looked there might be a little white blob, but the light in this house is shocking and I can't be sure.
And now I have a sore throat that could turn into a chesty cough which is always the most fun kind.

I would kill for a new body. I'll take the awful hair and the sticky out ears and I'd definitely keep the webbed toes but I do not want the random pains and twinges and dodgy feet and for Christ sake I'm only 21, how am I going to function at 70??
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