Fucked up backs
Couple Massage at Zen Spa Berkeley
Sushi house
Russell Peter on Netflix
California airways for flying lessons in Hayward
Should be a birthday present for Ba
Pilot ended up being Megan
Flight simulator with multiple huge screens
Small plane up the air
Along 880, past Oakland arena
Then bay bridge and treasure island
Turned around after passing golden gate bridge
Back towards Berkeley before landing back in Hayward
Binh Minh Quan for late lunch
Skype with parents at home
Up at 7 to watch USA squeezed by Spain
Finished Dream Team book
Drove to millbrae for dim sum with George MJ jasper Hoey
George/mj left for SoCal
The boys played Ticket to Ride at Jasper's in palo alto
Hoey left, but returned for 2 games of dominion
Shooting hoops with the boys, first since college
Italian dinner in downtown palo alto
Home at 10:30.
Long day
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