It's come to my attention that I am a fat dude. Normally I wouldn't complain, because fat dudes can be pretty funny, but I didn't realize that until recently I used to, oddly enough, be a skinny dude!
Look at the proof! And then
look at me now. Pretty shocking stuff. I need to drop some LBs Lohan-style. Any tips?
Saw "The Longest Yard" on Friday night. The movie was alright, but more notably it was the return of hanging out with the inimitable Andre Olivie. That guy, what a guy! It's always something seeing a movie when it's just me and him, because it's kind of (and I mean this in the best way!) like seeing a movie by yourself. I drive there by myself, meet up with him, walk into the movie, not talk really during it (obviously, we're not huge assholes) and then walk out and go to our respective cars. Honestly, I kind of like! It's very freeing but without the stigma of actually seeing a movie with yourself. The movie itself was really weird with it's wild oscillations between broad Adam Sandler comedy and "this is serious stuff" stuff. But it wasn't bad. I've liked Sandler since I was in the whelping box, and I think he's actually not a bad actor! Burt Reynolds is hardcore scary looking, though. Midly recommended. (6/10).
Nine Inch Nails was Saturday. My eloquent thoughts in print form are
here. It was good! I can't remember the last time I saw a band that I had really liked for many years, instead of just more recently got into. Actually I guess it was probably two months ago for Social D. But still. Lots of weirdos in the crowd, including one guy who had yarn rooted into his hair. I didn't really get that. He should have gotten like a bungee cord weaved in so people could pull on it and such, that sounds fun. Maybe he lets the cat roam through his head, I dunno. Good show, though. I was one sweaty dude towards the end of it. The only disappointment is that my old dear friend Anthony Kuner, who I haven't heard hide nor hair from in years, once remarked (after discovering Nine Inch Nails literally 13 years after everyone else) that if he ever went to a NIN show, he would be murdered. I'm not saying I wanted him to be murdered, I was just hoping for some Arrested Development-esque closure to that comment, no matter how it manifested itself.
Probably the best part of the Dresden Dolls concert Sunday (aside from their surprisingly awesome cover of "War Pigs") was the up-close look I got at the guy who works at the Marquee whose neck is literally covered in tumors or giant goiters or something like that. I am not one to make fun of any sort of figural deformity, but it's just really curious. I'm not trying to laugh at the guy, I just wish I knew more about his condition so I could understand it better. And then laugh in a more educated fashion. Trail of Dead opened, they had fun going nuts and throwing drums around, so that was cool, but they didn't play the Rest Will Follow or Worlds Apart so I was kind of bummed about that. For all the talk about the Dresden Dolls being "quirky" and "theatrical," they really don't do all that much different from what you'd expect (granted, you'd probably expect some amount of quirk and theatrics) but I thought they sounded good. The drummer is amusing, because while the chick is trying hard to be all serious and into it, he's all, WHAT'S UP TEMPE? IS EVERYBODY HAVING A GOOD TIME OUT THERE? COME ON MAKE SOME NOISE!!! I suppose it's probably deliberate.
Here is some great attempts at comedy by yours truly.
Here's some stuff I want! My birthday is coming up, after all...(expect a boat party):
Home Movies Season 2
Batman: The Animated Series Volume 3
NewsRadio, the complete first and second seasons
Sleater-Kinney, "The Woods"
Oasis, "Don't Believe The Truth"
Shakira, "Fijacion Oral"
White Stripes, "Get Behind Me Satan"
That White Stripes cover is kind of lame...or is it kind of clever? I'm going with lame for now.