I'm kinda buzzed and I need to write. Here are some random recurring dreams that I can remember.
This first one happened frequently shortly after I came to the US. I was standing in the middle of the elementary school gym. At each corner, people were getting into sleeping bags standing up. They'd zip themselves up to cover themselves and they would start spiraling towards the middle of the room in a standing position. When they reached me, they would just disappear. I'd always wake up when I noticed a family member got into a sleeping bag and was about to start the spiraling path.
I had the following recurring dreams in middle school. I was moving throughout the house but somehow one door would always take me through to a classroom. However, there was always a door that I could walk through that would take me up a staircase and back out of the classroom. This was fine by itself but the weird part comes after moving that summer. The staircase in that house was the same as the one through the door. :o
And a joke for the road:
Q: Who is Soulja Boy's best friend?