45 Years?? Darn, Where Does Time Go?

Jun 29, 2024 23:10

Somehow missed the 45th "anniversary" of the start of my old fictional radio show "The Tape and Record Show" yesterday (June 28, 1979). That led to the fictional "Tape and Record Show Enterprises" a couple years later, with the spawning of other fictional spinoffs like "Randy Haney's Life of Elvis", "Jerry Sanders' Hit Parade", "James Stricklin Song Mirage", "Paul Morrison's Country Corral", etc. featuring old school friends. Still have most of those recordings on audio cassettes, and they have been digitized.

I kept written records of all the fictional radio "broadcasts" on 3x5 index cards, which survive to this day. Pictured is the first card. Episode titles for the audio of the episodes are slightly "off", because I didn't have internet and guessed the episode names at the time. The titles have been corrected for the digitizations. MOST of the recording still exist, but there are a few lost to time, but the cards still exist.

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