This evening, digitally converted a couple "perennial" James Stricklin specials from the old audio cassettes. These were "broadcast" yearly on the annual overnight Tape & Record Show New Years overnight marathons.
First was a tape James recorded at his house with Jerry Sanders, with limited narration. It was the entire Kool and the Gang "Ladies Night" album, with a couple of extra songs thrown in to pad it out to a whopping 45 minutes. First "aired" Saturday, January 1,1983 at 12:33am central.
Next was yet another "compilation" episode, "The Best of The E.T. Food Palace", "broadcast" Sunday, January 1, 1984 at 7:31am central. However, there are a couple segments in that episode I don't remember being in the edited versions of the actual episodes I've already digitized. Will have to do some extra digging in the "archives" to see what's up.
Speaking of "digging", while searching for tapes, I ran across an obvious "master" cassette with James' handwriting on it labeled "James Stricklin Happy Hour Elvis Crazies" on one of those cheap, obsolete "Alcon" branded cassettes. I knew there was never a "broadcast" version with that title done, so I decided to look closer. The cassette, viewed through the housing window, had tape on both spools, so I thought, "Oh, before I can listen to this, I'll need to rewind it". Well, it didn't need to be rewound. See picture below. It needs splicing. And I no longer have the cassette repair kit I bought at Radio Shack back in the 1980's. Looked online, the few cassette repair kits still being sold are rather pricey. I may need to wait until I get the second "back pay lump sum" from SSI before I can order one to fix that tape to see what's on it!