Jul 06, 2002 04:53
No, I'm not listning to the song...i've never heard it. And, for that matter, I really don't feel like it. This rant is about, if you hadn't guessed already, suicide. Now, to those of you who this may upset...do not read it. I've posted before that if anything that I put in here may distrube you in any way, that you don't have to read it. If you do read it, it's not my fault. It's even less my fault because I have just explained what it's about...so if you know it's going to upset you, and you read it anyway...then it's your own damn fault!
I would like to start off by saying, anyone who has never been in the position of self extermanation, should not, NOT, pass judgement and say that it's the "coward's way out."
If you do not know what you are talking about, just shut the fuck up, at least on this subject...when talking to me. It takes a lot of guts to kill yourself, or to try at least. To bring yourself to putting a nuse around your neck and trying to hang yourself, there's a lot of curage needed. If you don't think you could kill someone else, don't even begin to think you can kill yourself... It's not as easy as "picking up a gun" like most people make it out to be, when you "pick that gun up" so to speak, you have time to think. The whole time you have time to think. You get to think about you, your family, your friends, pets, friend's pets, friend's family, et cetera. Your life more than flashes before your eyes.
People who commit suicide are not "weak" or "loosers" like most people say. Not everyone kills themselves because "daddy didn't buy them a new Jag." For some people it's just the fact that they can get away from the igonorance of the masses a lot faster. Or, for some people, it's so that you can end the hell that you live day to day! It's not "oh, i'm going to do this so they'll be sorry..." don't even think about that, it's more "what the fuck, i can't believe that no one gives a fuck that people in class are using terms for homosexuality for things that they find stupid or annoying, but if one wants to use any other slurs they are written up faster than you can blink." THAT'S WHAT CAUSES MOST OF IT! I know for that reason i've thought about checking myself out before. I rant on this damn thing all the time about how stupid people are, and I'm very prepaired to back it all up...i even do sometimes. If you think about it, the same guy who thinks that we should resegragate schools, will one day be president...or has the chance to. Hell, you don't even have to have a highschool diploma to be president of the united states! That really makes me want to be alive... That's not what i'm ranting about though, although it does go with the reasons why people off themselves. Hell, in some situations...suicide is the only way out. But, by no means, is it the coward's way out. Thre's no such thing...
Also, for those of you out there who think that you should just tell the "pussy bastards" how stupid they are...you should do yourself in. That's inhumane. But, hey, why worry about being inhumane...right? Get's rid of the weeds...right? Well, people with terminal illnises aren't weak. Most of them have been battling for a good amount of their lives...if they choose to take themselves out, are you calling them weak? There's no cure for cancer or aids, and that's something i'll rant on at another time, so if someone has one of those...and knows that he/she will die...he/she may just want to end it quick. Which would you want? Slow death, or quick death? It's not stupidity, many times it's just that the weight of the world presses down so much that one can't handle it anymore. And i'm sure that all of you "strong" people out there would crack under sertin pressure. And I hope you meet that pressure one day, and you see just how hard it is. I'm not wishing death upon you, no, just that you see how much the weight of the world cann make someone crumble.
For me, it was a father who constantly pushed me around. A school of teachers who would punish one but not the ohter, because the other was more popular. A society that felt if you did not conform to the norm than you must be forced to conform, one that pushed me to the breaking point when I had stones thrown at me at school and then had the principal tell me that it was because I practice a form of beliefes that is evil, and shouldn't be practiced. "You're in with the wrong croud. These people (Pagans/wiccans) go out in the middle of the night, slaughter pigs, nail the heads of the pigs to a tree, mark the 'sign of the beast' on the tree, and dance around it naked..." he then went further on to tell me I should spend more time in church. That's what pushed me to it! And my atempt was only about 3 or 4 years ago. I'm 17 now, about to be 18 in a few months. I put up for it for mostof my life. That is not being weak, that's more strength than you could ever think of.
With that said, I'm logging off. G'night!