Jun 25, 2002 11:13
Seven women have died after inhaling a free perfume sample that was mailed to
them. The product was poisonous. If you receive free samples in the mail such as
lotions, perfumes, diapers, etc., throw them away.
The government is afraid that this might be another terrorist act. They will not
announce it on the news because they do not want to create panic or give the
terrorists new ideas.
Send this to all your friends and family members.
I recieved that inan email. It was a forward...like they always are. Look folks, i'm cutting strait to the point, JUST BECAUSE OUR BRAIN DEAD PRESADENT HAS TO CAPOTALIZE ON THE FUCKING 911 INSODENT, DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO START SENDING FUCKING CHAIN MAIL PROMOTING TERROIST ATTACKS! It's fucking insane! You know, i'm waiting for someone to freak out about anthrax being sent through emails, that will be something that i could deal with...because it will show just how stupid our country is! What is this? Are we so starved for something to be like that we are using our president as a template? Pretty soon you're gonna see "Strategery" in the dictonary just so he won't sound dumb...he's not a great man folks, why do you want to be like him?
As far as the Email thing goes, I think that some people have too much fucking time on their hands! For the sake of the godess, people, who actually believes these things? Do any of you actually read them? or do you just see "Frw." and start clicking address in your book? These things are just liek with TV shows, you quit paying atention to them and they will go away...but, just like we have the idiots who sit and watch Butt Ugly Marsions and complain about how much they hate it...we'll have people who send out these bloody chain emails! The sad thing is, that there's gonna be some dumb fuck out there...about half a million of them, that is going to believe that shit! Granted I fell for something online once, but it was becauses it sounded like something that bush would actually do, then again...even i knew he couldn't be that stupid so i didn't really fall for it...i just doubted my judgement for a moment. Why don't you try sending a chain email with something intelagent? Why? I'll answer that question myself, because 99.9% of the people writing those things try to appeal to the masses of the world, and people are stupid! One person can be smart, two is pushing it, 20 and you've lost all intelagence! now, think of how many people are in this world....I rest my case.
With that said, i'm off to bitch about our country to real people.
Valete, omnes!