Oct 24, 2007 17:57
Here's an update for all of you who care to know about yours truly.
To list the good things:
- Quit drinking cola and coffee. Most of my friends are surprised when they find out that my tower of Coke cans has been replaced by a pile of water bottles.
- Am now a vegetarian. More like a sometimesarian. Sometimes I eat meat. Maybe once a month. However, the amount of growth hormones in meat is not only just disturbing but also fucking disgusting. Mostly however, I eat a lot of organic food, vegetables, cheese, and nuts.
- Entirely cut out hydrogenated oils out of my diet. Hopefully I can undo what these things have done to my body.
- I've become entirely conscious about my health and my body.
- Been more active. Lost a little weight, but am more in shape. Currently, I think I'm gaining weight again. Actually, I just checked, I put on 5 pounds. About 45 to 55 more pounds.
- In a band, kind of. My friends wanted me to do keys/synth for their band. Even if it's 'hardcore' at least there's still room for originality. Besides, they're all good friends and all hilarious.
- Entirely decided on College for September. Graphic Design. In the meantime, I plan on taking random courses/getting random certificates/diplomas for subjects that interest me a la Aromatherapy, Massage Therapy, and possibly Herbology, Iridology, and Basic Nutrition.
- As of writing this, I had shot my brother with his Airsoft gun. Right in the buttocks. "It jumped up and bit me right in the buttocks." Nothing is funnier than seeing a 6'8" and about 250lb+ guy grabbing his ass, hunching while walking, saying "OWWW MY ASS".
- Still moving on December 1st. Try not to miss me too much!
- I have become celibate. I don't know whether this is a good or a bad thing, but I don't want to have sex until I find the "right person" or until I am married.
- I've been focusing on myself lately, my health, and what I want to do with my life.
- I have been writing lately. Writing three different books about three different things. I have also been drawing and doing artistic things. I've also been taking photos, some very sweet ass photos.
To list the bad things:
- I've become addicted to tea. I used to hate tea. Not really "addicted" per se. But I do have a cup of tea every night. Usually Masala Chai Tea. Loose leaf, because bags are for fags. I don't really know if this is a good or a bad thing.
- Realized how asinine most of the people that I originally associated myself with are. There's more to life then just getting high all day every day because you're bored with your life and have nothing better to do.
- Still smoking. I am planning on quitting after the move. So kind of a good and kind of a bad thing.
- It will be seven years at least, before the effects of any chemical (hydrogenated oils, smoking) are erased from my body. Most likely five. Which means it will be 5-10 years before I plan on having children. Hopefully the woman that I marry, is smart enough not to smoke or eat goofy shit. Here's to hoping. Here's to failing!
Godspeed, losers. =D