I have started digital arting! 🐻🐻

Apr 06, 2018 20:20

Long stuff, but my long dormant drawing bug got me in a big way recently.

Description of my very first attempt: Digital art attempt 1 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26781214/ Its a very small start don't be mean about this piece of trash. Its all just random made up. After many false starts at trying digital art I thought about seriously trying to get into it. I have always loved the idea but it was just so overwhelming. first bought a little Wacom tablet, The Graphire 2 in early 2002 thinking that I was going to use it to learn to draw myself. I only ended up plugging it in only about a minute every 2 years. I got this thing while I still had a Windows 98 PC It was just so damned annoying to use, It wasn't until last month that I found out you needed to map the pen writing area! Ooops!

I always thought it was automatic. And that made it so frustrating to use so I kept giving up. That and trying to use it with M$ Paint. Yeah, I'm that lame. It sat gathering dust on my desk drawer.

2 years ago I got a sweet iPad Pro 9.7" the 256 GB top of the line version and some free drawing apps. Again I just found them so difficult to grasp. and didn't do what I was doing. So the Apple pencil went into hibernation for 2 years.

I tried playing with the apps again and got some new ones to see if I could do something. It will be very slow but I'm getting some things slowly.

And for the main PC I was looking for free very simple to use starter drawing programs

Whippy over at IB
suggested a few and I tried them but the one I found somewhat easy to use was one called Open Canvas. Its an older program but quite cumbersome to use but the easiest of the bunch to grasp. Beggars can't be choosers.

So after exploring it I made my very first digital piece! I'm somewhat proud. I know its silly and very stupid. I just wish that the color chooser on it would have worked properly. I had more ideas but the color palette didn't let you choose the exact colors you wanted for some unknown reason.

It ended up being a goofy-looking and weird avian looking thing. At first I wanted it to be a flamingo, but I painted myself in a bind and didn't know how to move it, so its a weird looking thing that looks like a flamingo swimming 😉 I literally didn't know jack doing this, I was just winging it.

So, yeah. My first thing I ever do with a tablet. I'm surprised that old 16+ year old thing works. http://tinypic.com/r/2ii7syc/9 I guess I will have to see if any other free programs that work are out there for beginners.

Description of my second attempt: Digital art attempt 2 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26781296/ This here is my very second attempt at digital art. I'm kind of happy for myself! Please be gentle with me. I know its super crude and amateurish. It took about 5.5 hours. It could have taken less if I knew shortcuts like drawing the straight lines by using a pattern and not individually by hand, selective coloring, and painting in the middle of those lines again by hand.

We all start someplace 😊 Drawn with the Wacom Graphire 2 I got in 2002 and literally never used it until I dusted it off starting yesterday. I also took a crash course on Paint Tool SAI today. I honestly had never ever used a super fancy and complicated painting program in earnest until today. I literally used only the MS Paint classic just to do quick edits on photos. I did this messing around with the option settings as I went and watching short YouTube tutorials for super beginners.

I just came up with the goofy fox character and scene on the fly by sketching something and it went from there. I know, it's gotta' be the goofiest fox you've ever seen. I honestly never had a main theme, it just ended up like this.

I drew a very bad piece yesterday, I used a different drawing program to draw yesterday's scrap.

my first computer art, March 23, 2018 the thing is in my scraps folder. I haven't drawn anything seriously since 2002 (my Al Bear reference sheet by hand) That's it since then.

The scrap piece tells the whole story.

Description of my last attempt: Digital art attempt 3 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26933000/ After not really drawing anything since 1991/2 or so And drawing the very last thing in 2002, my fursona, https://inkbunny.net/s/1338661 which is here drawn by hand, very crude one I admit.

In the last two weeks I have gotten into really using my old drawing tablet. A Wacom Graphire 2 that I got back in 2002. I never had the patience to pick up the still confusing drawing/art software. I picked it up 2 weeks ago and really have tried to use it. It really was unused since then. I may have played with it for -20 minutes since 2002 but since picking it up 2 weeks ago more than 12 hours 😊 I have taken a crash course at the very basics of digital art software. The result is here, this is my third piece.

An updated of yours truly sketch. I still don't know much about coloring, its a bit too advanced for me I suppose as the first two results showed.

So Al Bear dresses like this in real life everyday. I've been an eccentric one and with my own unique style of dress since the early 2000's. I wear a driver's black cap, colorful polo shirts, shorts, white socks and strap shoes/bar sandals as seen here, https://inkbunny.net/s/1578778 All friends who see me at cons know this. 😉

Its still a bit crude but remember, I haven't drawn anything seriously since 1992.

Again, to recap, here's my digital art progress with no story. attempt 1, 2 and 3. See below the progress in only 2 weeks.

Digital art attempt 1 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26781214/
Digital art attempt 2 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26781296/
Digital art attempt 3 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26933000/
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