Kucinich on Civil Liberties and Domestic Security

Jan 07, 2008 14:39

 from www.glassbooth.org

Dennis Kucinich on Civil Liberties and Domestic Security:

- "I tell you who I put on a pedestal: Ben Franklin; who said that those who would give up their essential liberties to obtain a measure of security - deserve neither."

- "Torture degrades us as a people. History has shown that when torture is employed, interrogators become lazy and brutal, and many, many innocent people die or are destroyed for life. Our humanity is the first death in the process. My reasons for opposing torture are not just the clear moral prohibition, but a more practical reason: What would you do if your child was tortured -- especially if they were innocent, as so many tortured people are? Torture breeds torture and brutality. Torture is a slope no American should step onto."

quotes, benjamin franklin, torture, dennis kucinich

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