Nov 15, 2005 20:25
This is reposted from a previous entry on my old blog... Sorry if the formatting is screwed up.
Did the Chinese establish a settlement in New England before the Europeans did ?
Don't be ridiculous, you say... Well, read this then, I say:
Excerpted from an e-newsletter:
"...the first pilgrims to reach North America found a city built out of blue stone some 20
miles inland from Plymouth MA near what is now Waterland. (I think he means
Watertown?) They considered the city to have been built by Chinese on account of
several wrecked Junks which lay nearby alongside the Banks of the Charles River, now
part of Central Boston. The gentleman said this blue stone city had been dismantled
by the first English settlers and used as foundations for their first houses, and that the
Junks had been blown up to prevent a Chinese attack should they return. On close
analysis of the stones at the village where our source lives, Gavin saw that they had
very unusual and distinctive cutting marks, exactly the same as on the leading edges
of stones which he had seen at Bimini and on stones in the Miami ship Channel
(which came from Bimini.)
Incredibly Gavin was then told that the settlers were sure that the original inhabitants
of the area were Chinese because they said that in addition to the Junks they had
found in Boston, they had records of a huge Chinese fleet that travelled from the
Americas to England in the 1420’s, en route to Muscovy. The Fleet had also visited
France and Portugal where they had been treated discourteously. In contrast “The
Dowager Queen” who was acting as Regent in England was well disposed towards
them. The Chinese delegation had presented the Queen with beautiful Ming vases;
possibly the ones which can be seen today at Leeds Castle. "
See, this is all part of a theory that fleets of Chinese ships were sent out to explore the
entire world in the 15th century, but records of this were destroyed by subsequent
Chinese rulers... see for more info.
Among other evidence of Chinese reaching New England is:
Verrazzano found Asian people - quite different from local Indians. He described some
as Chinese.
Newport Round Tower - a Chinese lighthouse (Also a second Newport Tower,
submerged by about 3 or 4 fathoms in the harbour
Rice found by early explorers.
'Rhode Island Red’ chickens (which are Chinese hens) found by first Europeans.
Menendez de Aviles found Chinese junks wrecked in N. Atlantic - wind would have
carried surviving junks to Rhode Island.
People around Newport different from other Indian tribes (Professor de la Barre).
and more...
Is this believable? Don't know, but it's pretty interesting anyway...
united states,
rhode island,