Top World Leaders

Mar 22, 2024 19:59

Here are the top non-U.S. world leaders in my 1986-2000 index:

1. Adolf Hitler... 4.5 lines in the index
Boris Yeltzin... 4.5
3. Saddam Hussein... 4
4. Mikhail Gorbachev... 3.5
5. Jesus... 3
Fidel Castro... 3
7. Pope John Paul II... 2.5
8. Yasir Arafat... 2
Margaret Thatcher... 2
10. Tony Blair... 1.5
Kim Jong Il... 1.5
Slobadan Milosovic... 1.5
Mao Zedong... 1.5

fidel castro, mao zedong, journal hall of fame list, mikhail gorbachev, journal, life 1995 - 1999, tony blair, margaret thatcher, slobadan. milosovic, index, adolf hitler, life 2000 - 2004, saddam hussein, pope, lists, life 1985 - 1989, boris yeltzin, jesus, kim jong il, life 1990 - 1994, yasir arafat

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