
May 31, 2019 15:03

I feel a bit out of it today.  Not feeling well.  Stomach bug... crampy stomach...  which I took medecine for but still not too good.  Luckily, there are no classes here on Fridays for me.  In fact, learners were all off this week...  so I spent time just preparing for next week...  there's a practical circuit-building thing they need to do next week, so I got all the materials together and built a few circuits to see if they work.  Not much else that I need to do.

Did a bunch of reading of old stuff.  Tired, not been sleeping well in the past few days.  Busy weekend coming up too.  I think we have a birthday party to go to.  Adam is coming over one night to stay over too.

Just not feeling great.  Bleh.

family, health, teaching, engineering

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