Oct 10, 2018 07:13
Here are some excerpts from a Guardian story, which I found interesting. There is a film that's been made about the belief by some evangelicals that Trump is God's Chosen One...
Obviously, I think it's ridiculous, but interesting:
"The chosen one? The new film that claims Trump's election was an act of God
More than 1,000 US cinemas are screening The Trump Prophecy - which posits that God chose the philandering billionaire to restore America’s moral values
... The Trump Prophecy, a movie telling the story of Mark Taylor, a former fireman from Orlando forced to retire after suffering from PTSD...
Between graphic nightmares featuring demonic monsters and hellish flames, Taylor received a message from God in April 2011, while he was surfing television channels.
As he clicked to an interview with Trump, Taylor heard God say: “You are hearing the voice of the next president.”
And so it came to pass.... Taylor duly wrote a book, The Trump Prophecies: The Astonishing True Story of the Man Who Saw Tomorrow … and What He Says Is Coming Next, on which the movie is based.
Taylor has made other claims, which he calls “prophetic words”, including that Trump will serve two terms, the landmark supreme court ruling on abortion in the Roe v Wade case will be overturned, and that next month’s midterm elections will result in a “red tsunami”, strengthening Republican control of both houses of Congress.
Barack Obama will be charged with treason and Trump will authorise the arrest of “thousands of corrupt officials, many of whom are part of a massive satanic paedophile ring”. Trump will also force the release of cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s that are currently being withheld by the pharmaceutical industry.
“God is definitely using Trump to restore America and bring revival to our land,” said cinemagoer Kathy Robinson. “He stands for the common man and protects our freedoms. And he’s a good man himself - not perfect, but none of us are.”
united states,
in the news,
mental health,
donald trump,
barack obama,