Talmud of Jmmanuel

Apr 10, 2006 16:08

NEWSFLASH !   Don't believe everything Google News tells you...

excerpts from this press release   http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/4/prweb369916.htm

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 10, 2006 -- Recent interest in the newly discovered gnostic writing "Gospel of Judas" is now drawing attention to a much more controversial, 1,900 year-old, document that was discovered in Jerusalem in 1963, translated into German by 1970, and first published in Switzerland in 1978, with English versions appearing since 1992.

Known as the Talmud of Jmmanuel (the “J” symbol is pronounced with the short "i" sound as in Immanuel), the TJ, as it is called, shares one feature with the Gospel of Judas - Judas Iscariot was no betrayer. Instead, he was the trusted writer of the TJ. The TJ is much more comprehensive than the Gospel of Judas, while indicating that the man we know as Jesus was originally named Jmmanuel, that he survived the crucifixion and then traveled through several countries with his mother Mary, his brother Judas-Thomas and Judas Iscariot, that Mary died while on their trek to northern India and was buried in Pakistan, that Jmmanuel married and had numerous descendants, and that he died at over 100 years of age and was buried near Srinagar, Kashmir.

Adding to the desire of many scholars to shun the TJ is the fact it was co-discovered and edited by Billy Meier, the Swiss man who's also at the center of the only scientifically proven, UFO contactee case, still ongoing (for more than 64 years) in Switzerland. http://www.theyfly.com A further deterrence to Western scholars is the fact that the TJ includes reincarnation in its teachings, which would challenge the very core of Christian beliefs and threaten the power of the Church itself. It is Meier's direct connection to the potentially revolutionary TJ that may be one of the main reasons why he has been the target of 21 documented assassination attempts.

(snip the rest and file under UFO Lunatics)

I laugh at myself because it was only after looking at the cited website that I figured out this stuff is tin-foil hat material....

switzerland, bible, virgin mary, india, jesus, judas, israel, ufo's, pakistan, religion

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