still a little dirty feelin' from the daytime sun exposure

Jun 18, 2005 21:58

i have taken my rear bicycle tire to the bike shop. It has been wobbly and when i looked i noticed it was missing bearings. or something likethat. yes definitely likethat. bearings are missing. so it's rather loose in there. in the center. the axle. it's like a spoon inside of a cup. when it should be more like a candle in a cake.
mark wahlberg has been in my dreams and he has been interesting in them. i remember there was a lot of rain. and him andme with a group of fellows. in a wooden house. we were outside in a little closed in spot where the rain didn't hit us much.

i am growing an echinacea plant in my back yard and its flower is about to fully bloom. it is in an early stage. you can see it beginning to color. it is a sight to see. i wish you were here with me.
i am making my little dog an outside dog because she gets stinky and dirty so fast and she leaves hair or fur around and she scratches her backon the carpet and her fleas comeback real fast after her baths the same as her stinkiness. she barks at night and during the day as well. she is not adapting well.
i stopped being a telemarketer on saturday.

i listened to a program on the radio that featured talks about hitchhiking. they said that july is national hitchiking month. callers called in and told their stories . an old man called in and told a story about hitching a ride with a policeman when he was young but he didn't know he was a police man because his car was regular but when he got in he saw him talking into a radio then he stopped to bust an alcohol maker and told the young old man to leave. after he was a done and he said," i got another one i think you might like," but the radio host cut him off.
i went out with some co-workers i have never been out with before a week ago, they treated me to liquor and buds and hash. i vomited like a banshee in their toilet. i thought i was going to die while i was looking in the mirror. really. but then my brain gave a little jolt like a nerve popped or an electric spark sparked and i felt fine. i have never experienced something like that off of simple things like the ones i mentioned above.
i am being interrupted........
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