SATURN - Enters Libra 10/30/2009 til 10/5/2012. Enters Scorpio on 10/5/2012, at 1:37 pm PDT til 12/23/2014 at 8:38 am PST, when it goes into Sag. Then Rx back into Scorpio on 6/16/15, and goes back into Sag on 9/19/15.
Saturn moved into Libra at the end of October in 2009. Libra is all about beauty for beauty's sake, but now, Librans become more practical. They don't want to spend just to spend, and in general, pull back on the 'disposable income' and start to save for something solid and practical that serves a purpose as well as being decorative. Saturn here sobers Librans, makes them stop and take stock in what has transpired in the past few years. Librans like to get along and defer to other signs, but now, their backbone stiffens and they realize they need to be more assertive.
Aquarius and Gemini will benefit the most from this transit, since Libra trines their sun signs. Capricorns, Arians and Cancers will be the ones tested with this energy, being in the square position, and Aries opposing. Keep your nose to the grindstone and don't try to grandstand, and you have a better opportunity to get thru it on a higher level. Virgos and Scorpios, Pisces and Taurus will feel 'adjustments' taking place ,as Saturn quincunx' (30 degrees) and inconjuncts (150 degrees) their signs. That leaves Leo and Sag in a sextile position to Libra, which will create 2 YODs pointing to Pisces and Taurus, respectively. When Saturn tests, your "answers" are in those houses....but it's up to you to figure it out.