Jan 25, 2006 17:36
Hey everyone!! how are you all?
yea so school is such a drag lol. I can't wait to graduate! At least i get out in MAY!! YAY!!
yea also I think I'm pretty sure I'm gonna come back to Michigan for college.
I wanna do community for like a year or 2, then transfer to MSU. yea thats what i wanna do besides it's alot cheaper to do community first.
yea so..........................
leave me a comment!! i miss everyone!
i'm having a graduation party in June. if anyone wants to come out here! lol
It will be HOTTER than heck!! it's ok though..we can go to the water park everyday.....since its 5min from my house lol but we might move into a bigger house with a pool I really hope that we do!! I'd be so Happy!!
well gotta wrap it up at school the teachers eyeing me lol!
later loves!!
Amanda <3
PS: Diandra I passed the TESTS!! yay thanks fr helping me out!!