welcome to hotel california

Dec 14, 2005 13:39

don't you love those songs that you never get tired of hearing? like eagles "hotel california" or kansas "dust in the wind". like 50 years from now, people will still be able to enjoy them.

this has been a weird week. i've had no feelings. no feeling of happy or sad or glad or mad or tired or energetic or lazy or hyper.......just kinda blank. nothing really interests me and nothing's really affecting me. kinda strange.
reminds me of the movie with nicholas cage where he's an angel or something and they just wonder around and they see people interact and feel and they long for it. something specific from the movie is that he longed to feel the wind in his face.
THAT i can feel. i can definitely feel this cold crisp weather and i don't like it. i don't like that when i get up in the morning i have to scrape ice off my windshield. i don't like that my car has no windshield wipers or heat. that cold air i can feel. the other thing is i don't know how to get out of this mood, or IF i want to get out of it. things are happening to people around me and i feel like i should be affected or concerned, but i'm not. and then i realize i should feel selfish for that. but i don't. jokes aren't funny. deaths aren't sad. pain doesn't hurt. sounds super dramatic but it's real. it's nice cuz you can't feel pain, but then again you can't feel happiness. now i know how the expression "it is better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all". i don't know that i fully agree with that. and as blank as i am, i'm not depressed. there's a slight smile in my head and i'm sure there's a slight smile on my face.
kinda like the smile you'd see on someone contemplating things in his or her head. but not me. i'm just absorbing the world around me.
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