In the Right Place at the Right Time

Oct 27, 2010 01:55

 Tuesday evenings are among my least favorite.  Miss M's Irish dance school has four locations, and until the Regional Championships are over, she has classes in 3 of the 4.  Tuesday's location requires a 34 mile drive (each way) and she needs to be there at 6:30 PM, which means driving during rush hour.  Which I hate. hate. hate. HATE.  Oh, and ( Read more... )

the ebil, beauty, life, irish dance

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Comments 11

therealsnape October 27 2010, 12:26:37 UTC
The downside of having a lab assistant around the house, this is. I admire your patience, and Mommy was quite right in having had enough.
But I'm glad you had the lovely rainbow experience to make up for it. Rush-hour traffic really is the pits.


albalark October 28 2010, 10:30:21 UTC
Most of the time one couldn't ask for a better child - she's really wonderful . . . *most* of the time. ::g:: I was about ready to put her on a plane to the Netherlands, though. XD


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albalark October 28 2010, 10:58:36 UTC
It's amazing how something like that just sets the day's annoyances back into perspective. :-)

metal-breasted semi-goddesses just don't make good backseat drivers.

LOL!! I wouldn't have minded such a passenger on Tuesday. Believe me, I was quite ready to choose a few of my fellow motorists for slaughter. ::g::


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albalark October 28 2010, 13:38:49 UTC
What does it say about me that I have both What's Opera Doc? and Rabbit of Seville completely memorized?


dickgloucester October 27 2010, 14:47:45 UTC
My children - especially the elder - do that All. The. Time.

It drives me spare.

But you had all the magic of the rainbow at the end of it! I love rainbows.


albalark October 28 2010, 11:05:59 UTC
I'm beginning to believe that children come pre-programmed to drive their parents just this side of insanity . . . it can't be an accident that they know exactly where to stop so that we don't murder them or sell them to the circus! :-D

Rainbows do make up for quite a lot. ^_^


kellychambliss October 27 2010, 16:52:33 UTC
This is just gorgeous. I had a similar rainbow experience at an outlet mall in NY state once -- a double rainbow so sharp and vivid that I made my partner and child wait in the car for the 20 full minutes it took before the rainbow faded. You can hardly believe they're real when they look this text-book perfect.

And your Child apparently took lessons from my Child /g/.


albalark October 28 2010, 11:34:54 UTC
I made my partner and child wait in the car for the 20 full minutes it took before the rainbow faded.

I can't believe they weren't out there gawking with you . . . I can't ever tear my eyes away until they're gone.

And your Child apparently took lessons from my Child /g/.

I don't think they need lessons - it's instinctive. (And I can hear my mother's voice in my head cackling gleefully and muttering something about paybacks and canines. XD)


lash_larue October 27 2010, 18:05:11 UTC
It might not make up for the whole experience, but I bet it put a shine on the evening.

And really, having a kid who sings along with Aretha can't be all bad, ;)

But I could not handle that traffic, I get distinctly cross in traffic.


albalark October 28 2010, 13:16:07 UTC
I bet it put a shine on the evening.

It sure did! ::ggg::

And really, having a kid who sings along with Aretha can't be all bad, ;)

She knows all the classics. And really, you haven't lived until you've heard an 8 year old belt out 'Natural Woman' (my Dad is a corrupting influence :-D).


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