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Comments 24

Yay! *\0/* therealsnape June 19 2011, 06:58:13 UTC
Great news. And we're going to have such fun writing. We can whinge to each other and betaread - you'll see, going to a fest together is really nice.


Re: Yay! *\0/* albalark June 19 2011, 16:35:09 UTC
To quote Kiwi: ::clings:: What in HELL do I know about writing smut, TRS???? You're going to need earmuffs to block out the wailing. :-P I don't know which I fear the most: producing something that makes everyone yawn, or something that produces unintentional guffaws. I'm counting on you to tell me if I do.


(The comment has been removed)

albalark June 19 2011, 16:36:19 UTC
::worries that Lark!smut will either make everyone laugh or yawn::


cranky__crocus June 19 2011, 13:15:54 UTC
(I'm writing in parenthesis because as you know, no one but you can see it when I do that. It's stealth commenting.

I caved too. I accidentally gave it away by asking a question that went public. But this is still a shhhhh subject because it's smut and that's less of my domain than even writing is.

Can we flail together through this process? I have a feeling mine will be less whinging and more 'alskdfjlaksjdf I CAN'T DO THIS IT DOESN'T HAVE AN ABSTRACT!'

*Clings.* And shhhh. :Þ Parenthesis, mind.)


albalark June 19 2011, 16:50:07 UTC
::whispers back:: I am glad you did. Smut writing is not exactly my area either. :-P

Can we flail together through this process? Absolutely. TRS is also going to hold my hand (it's her fault I'm doing this anyway, so she deserves it. ::g::) so maybe we can have a 3-way flail.

I have a feeling mine will be less whinging and more 'alskdfjlaksjdf I CAN'T DO THIS IT DOESN'T HAVE AN ABSTRACT!' LULZ!!!!! I know just what you mean. ssshhhhhhhh. We'll keep it on the downlow.


cranky__crocus June 19 2011, 22:35:56 UTC
(I can tell you that one of the most awkward things I ever do is attempt to write smut. Especially since, in real life, the whole...er, arena of smut, is not really my lot in life.

I get a bit too insecure to 3-way flail, or have been in the past, but as long as I'm stepping out of my comfort zone for smut I might as well do it for other things too!

We can exchange abstracts and appendices - the extra details of research - to each other after the fact, I'm sure. :Þ Actually, the idea of writing an abstract on a smut story is just about the most hilarious thing to me right now.)


kellychambliss June 19 2011, 13:31:32 UTC
Excellent! I knew we could count on you to knuckle under to peer pressure. Anyway, we all know there's no resisting a determined Real Snape.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.


albalark June 19 2011, 17:02:52 UTC
I knew we could count on you to knuckle under to peer pressure. I am powerless before my flist. ::g:: And y'all have taught me well . . . the whinging is already beginning.

Can't wait to see what you come up with. Yeah, you can. My inexperience in writing smut is going to be glaringly obvious: if I don't put people off, I'll be putting them to sleep.


lash_larue June 19 2011, 14:28:19 UTC

Not me. Smut? Moi? I rolled over on the Women's Football stuff, but I have my standards.

I do however eagerly look forward to what you come up with, and I may send TRS a jar of Nutella by way of thanks.

You'll do great,


therealsnape June 19 2011, 15:52:15 UTC
You mean you really won't come and play with us for Samhain?

Butbutbut the deadline isn't till September. Way after the women worldcup. And long before Hoggywarty. And there's lots of lovely prompts out there, and you can do your own thing, too, if you like.

Thanks for Nutella - that was a lovely thought.


lash_larue June 19 2011, 20:54:34 UTC
Hard as it may be to believe, I'm just not feeling the smut of late. The idea put forth above about a 3-way with you and Lark and Kiwi, however...

But that would be wrong.


cranky__crocus June 19 2011, 22:31:24 UTC
Lash, dang nabbit, you broke the parenthesis rule! :Þ I was never here.

That and the idea of a 3-way flail does not sound to me like an attractive sight at all.

"I CAN'T DO THIS IF THERE'S NO APPENDICES!" *Faceplants onto bed and punches pillows.*
"MY CHARACTERS WON'T TALK!" *Screams into another pillow.*
"MY CHARACTERS WON'T STOP TALKING!" *Eats spoon-full of Nutella.*
*Mass flail-whinge.*

Not the stuff pulp fiction, I assure you.


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