The Incredible Snapecase, Part Two

Jan 31, 2011 21:58

 Yesterday was spent being ridiculously domestic - I scaled Mt. Washmore (geez, how do 3 people generate so bloody much laundry?), baked cookies (oatmeal cherry pecan), dusted and vacuumed (but not in pearls and high heels) and made homemade sauce for the eggplant parmesan I made for dinner.  I also got my butt kicked in Monopoly by a pair of kids ( Read more... )

grins, snape, beauty, fic recs

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Comments 8

kellychambliss February 1 2011, 03:50:14 UTC
Aaahhhh....yep, I'll take G&S over R&H any day. (Although the rhymes in "Lonely Goatherd" are inspired -- goatherd/table d'hote heard // goatherd/load to tote heard -- ahahaha ( ... )


albalark February 6 2011, 20:24:36 UTC
Although the rhymes in "Lonely Goatherd" are inspired --

Odl lay ee, old lay ee
Odl lay hee hee, odl lay ee
Odl lay odl lay, odl lay odl lee, odl lay odl lee
Odl lay odl lay odl lay ee HOO!

Ooops. ::blushes:: Got carried away there. ::g:: And yes, if you hadn't guessed it, I am a former high school musical Maria. Those songs will be burned into my brain until it I die. Perhaps they will haunt me on the other side of the veil as well.

Are you going to try the guessing poll? I'm not sure I'm familiar enough with most of the writers to have any idea. No. I do have *some* dignity (though not much) to preserve. Other than getting you right as the author of Right Nor Wrong, I have never once correctly identified the author of a story. I am not likely to be in any danger of spoiling my near-perfect track record. :-P

But having said that, I'll also say that in the hands of a good writer, Snarry can be very powerful and even convincing. And I've read several fabulous stories by fine authors. Yes. I can think of several off ( ... )


perverse_idyll February 1 2011, 06:53:07 UTC
Oh, Lark, you nearly made me spew croissant flakes across my keyboard with those lyrics! Funny how some songs I don't mind having stuck in my head. G & S get the earworm seal of approval. And now I've got a grin from inner ear to inner ear. ---> :D

Ah, I'm so behind on snapecase! I'm looking forward to catching up on fics and whipping my comment muse into shape. Four more to go, right? Iuls revised the posting schedule, and the fest should end on Feb. 4th. More to look forward to! Time to read back over earlier postings! \o/

I just now pushed my final crack_broom rec out into the world to fend for itself, which took immense willpower. I saved the best for last (I was reccing Snarry, so don't rush right over - or, no, I take that back, you might give that last one a gander). It's such a monumental fic that all I could do was flail around and make lists of why it's so fabulous. Phew. Reccing is thirsty work. *guzzles tea*

I entirely agree with you on No Pepper-Up for the Brave and To Dwell on Dreams, and I've got the rest lined up before me for later ( ... )


albalark February 6 2011, 21:27:58 UTC
Oh, Lark, you nearly made me spew croissant flakes across my keyboard *\o/* Well, *that's* a compliment and a half! :-D

G & S get the earworm seal of approval It's a good thing, too, because I've had The Mikado on about constant play in my head since I wrote this. A more humane Mikado never did in Japan exist:: As earworms go ::Titwillow, titwillow, titwillow::, it's tolerable, but it is possible to overdo ::Here's a how do you do!:: even a good thing. Oh, bother the flowers that bloom in the spring! Tra la la la la, Tra la la la la, Tra la la la la la!:: XD

I hope ypu've got caught up, because there were a few in those last two weeks that were just amazing (see recs above), and there's one (Wherewithal) among the last few that I wish I'd waited this post on.

Speaking of Snape (which I do rather often): your icon is loverly. And I feel as though you put Show of Hands on your playlist just for me! *swings you around*

veridari made him. Gorgeous, isn't he? And yes, you are directly responsible for Show of Hands getting dusted ( ... )


librasmile February 1 2011, 07:06:57 UTC
Sigh, I wanna read through these but I gotta go beta a friend's work ( she does GREAT work by the way ) and I hate the fact that I read the first part of your post cause now I'm fiedning for oatmeal cookiees and feeling very guilty about my own Mt. Washmore, lol.


therealsnape February 1 2011, 15:58:45 UTC
I'm blessedly unfamiliar with G&S, so while I admire your poetic powers, the other inmate of Spinners End can still sip his whiskey in peace. No risk of me screeching along.

I've bookmarked both your recposts, and I'll start reading as soon as you attach the time order form (you did know that delectable posts such as this should have an orderform of sorts [poll or little header window] where one can order the necessary time for the amount of fics one wants to read? They told you that much about LJ, I hope?)


iulia_linnea February 2 2011, 23:53:51 UTC
snapecase has two more days of posting, then the Guess the Future Game, and then the Reveal.

Thank you on behalf of my authors creators; your enthusiastic reviews and recs have been wonderful to read!


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