T o do list

Nov 20, 2009 18:18

Why, I am late on the update.

As the subject implied, many things have been calling for my attention lately, but every time I had to say “Sorry!!! This prettyyyy ?????? occupied me!”

DISCLAIMER: We don’t own them, Johnny does. Just like any no life fan girl, I get quite obsessed of Arashi which, for my defense, is very very worthy. Since this March, as they are busy, releasing one thing after another I couldn’t tear my mind away. Believe, then another double single in the same month, then Everything, the million seller ,first-in-history extreme tour (exaggerated from my part) and lately My Girl. Geezus Arashi why do you have to be so gooooddddd……… . Not that you hear me complaining.

Apparently good news just keep coming

A really silly me ran around the house screamed of joy to everybody I went cross some incoherent stuff like “Arashi . All 5 of them. Drama. 3 months. Once per week. Topless poster….” It took a whole another day for the tension to calm down and for me to realize that it’s just a few hours special drama. My expressions were somewhat like this
. Still, it was way better than nothing. In fact, special drama is like a movie that you don’t have to pay cine’s ticket or wait 3 months for the DVD to come out to rent it, no?

(hmm, let’s see…..) oh yeah, YAY! For 4 best initial sales in 2009 for all 4 singles. Waiting impatiently for the end of the year for announcement of a new broken record. Who don’t, really.

‘Everything’ would go straight to year’s 3rd place if there were a Making of Pv.

finally I watched videoscope on arashi. hell, the mc's pronunciation is so bad. and why did they keep playing wish in the background? worst of all sin: THEY DIDN'T SHOW TRUTH!!!! I mean, the orchestra, gorgeous arashi in hell, ohno magnificent the great and 2008's best seller....it's the first-only angst johnny's and second-best-most-legendary pv and single, come on peopleeeeeeeee.......*sob* for some reason my mom was anticipated for it to be showed, and it wasn't

oh well, the episode helped expand their popularity, hopefully. that made voting in BoP worthwhile. i still vote anyway even without it,

just noticed, 'believe' was green

Newest news, it seems like Arashi has a big shot to Kohaku.

Kōhaku was once the most-watched show on Japanese television of the year. One major factor was that New Year's Eve in Japan is a holiday traditionally spent at home . Over the years, the annual event's popularity has declined from an all-time high of 81.4 (14th event) to an all-time low of 30.8/39.3 (55th event) in the Kantō region. Despite the drop, Kōhaku is consistently the top-rated musical event each year.
Credit: Wikipedia.
Now that’s nice! SMAP, if what I know is correct, has the highest number of time participated in Kohaku, 16.

Talking about it, isn’t it annoying that the press kept comparing Arashi to SMAP? I mean, sure, the audience love drama, to sell the press has to use whatever nonsense actuality they can. Still, it’s just so rude. Even if SMAP is on their way down of their peak of popularity, doesn’t mean they can talk bad behind them. To be exact, SMAP’s shows have pretty much higher ratings then KAT-TUN or NEWS combine. Donc, they still seated comfortably on their throne at the head of JE echelon. Gosh, for 18 years now!

It scares me, imagine about how the media will butcher Arashi when their glory will be over.

Irrational, but I hope it won’t happen. 90% impossible. It has to eventually happen, everything has it ending. Then god please delay it and make it a happy one. Personally I don’t think the industry can produce a finer masterpiece (no biase here) anymore. Just look at the newest official Johnny group,Naka….Yuma and BI…something Boys. JE will end with HSJ, geez. For NEWS or KAT-TUN, the 3 strong groups will probably just remain rivals of the same level, like 1st, 2nd, 3rd at the best case. Which is fantastic!

Alright enough rambling, let me fulfill the true purpose of this post: write down my wait list, c’est-à-dire:

Anime to watch: finish Soul Eater, Loveless, start Ergo Proxy and many more psychological anime the name I ignore.

Manga to read: Bloody Monday, reread Dragon Ball

Drama: My Girl, Room number 0

Books to read: 7 jours du tallion, OUT (Japanese horror novel), Musashi, and 3 more still in reserve at the library

Stuffs to draw

Jeezus I am so lazy. Well at least all the exams are over, successfully!! Real high notes at that! THE SEMESTER IS OVER!!!!
(it never felt so long)

I definitely went over board. Next time will do more often so it won’t be this long.

ramble/ranting/blah x3, news, 8th wonder of the world arashi

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