Aug 21, 2008 15:36
While out to dinner last night, I learned that my Grandma was pro-life to the point where my mom said that "She has done everything except bomb an abortion clinic." It really didn't bother me that my she is pro-life. I kind of expected it considering how catholic she is. But what did bother me was my mom told not to say anything if the topic ever came up. Now, I'm not the type of person to start political debates during Christmas dinner, but my brother is. So what, am I just supposed to sit there and not speak my opinion? It's not only the Grandma thing too. Whenever I have a conflict with someone she just tells me to hold my tongue. And it is starting to piss me off. Why shouldn't I speak my opinion? I think I'm just being acting like an emo teenage. I'll get over it soon.
I am sooooo going to watch The Notebook today. I feel like celebrating.