(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 05:51

I'm bored and try to stay awake so it's meme time.

Snagged from

The rules:
a. Post a list of 10 TV shows you love (current or canceled).
b. Have your flist guess your favorite character from each show.
c. When guessed bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character.

1. The Office
2. Arrested Development
3. House M.D.- House. It's kind of a given to love the main character, but House is such an interesting character that it's impossible not to adore him.
4. Lost
5. Brothers & Sisters
6. How I Met Your Mother-Barney. I've always loved him because he had all the best lines. Plus the whole Barney/Robin relationship makes me happy.
7. Battlestar Galactica
8. Gossip Girl
9. Doctor Who
10. Rome
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