Title: Red and Yellow Chapter 12: Three Into Two Now is One Series: Silent Hill/Kingdom Hearts Rating: R Summary: Saix, Marluxia, and Demyx are sent on a mission in a quiet place called Silent Hill.
Clearly this means only awful things happen in the next chapter. \o/ AWESOME.
I think my favorite part about this series is that although the points of view do switch around a bit, it's not hideously hard to keep track of-- it's just like watching a movie, and the linearity of it makes it a smooth read, easy to gobble up and start yelling for MOAR NOW NOW NOW. /o/ Not that, you know. I don't do that normally anyway. Tasty Alba writings are tastyyy.
I particularly like how you managed to get everyone in the same place (and for the SH-familiar, include a bunch of little bonus references, durhurhur). Vexen's execution of the standard 'OH BABY YOU'RE ALIVE' ritual is, of course, classic Vexen, and therefore excellent, and therefore I love you. Again. Like that was ever an issue. <3
Awesome job on this chapter, though I can see why you must have had trouble getting it out. /o/ Here's hoping the next one writes itself out more smoothly~
Mer! Confessions! Walls that break and lead nowhere! Puzzles! Saix's fixation on blond doctors! This chapter had it all! Really what I like best, as usual, is that this feels so much like Silent Hill and has all these little touches that speak to people who know about the game canon. The counterpoint of people interacting with each other is lovely (like Lexaeus managing to NOT piss Laura off) and Demyx and Marluxia interaction in this always makes me happy.
(I still maintain that while everyone is out in Horror Survival land, Axel and Luxord are home getting drunk or something.)
This chapter left me feeling...at ease. :3 The calm before the storm perhaps? And...Marluxia as straight, married and had a child even...so refreshing.
Sorry for the brief comment. It is delicious chapter. :3
It's a monster on Bloth's ship. Here's the basic definition, yoinked from piratesofdarkwater.net:
"Bloth's personal torture creature(s)--I think he has several throughout the sewerways of the Maelstrom. Whenever he wants to dispose of a person or a living thing of some kind, he dumps him/her/it into the Constrictus pit to give his pet some food once in a while. Bloth dumped Primus's jailer, the first brigmaster, into the pit after the king escaped, and had put Konk in some time before; the piglet got away with only part of his leg missing and acquired a metal pegleg, and had the best Constrictus survival story until Ren managed to elude it altogether, becoming the first person to ever totally escape being eaten."
Comments 45
Clearly this means only awful things happen in the next chapter. \o/ AWESOME.
I think my favorite part about this series is that although the points of view do switch around a bit, it's not hideously hard to keep track of-- it's just like watching a movie, and the linearity of it makes it a smooth read, easy to gobble up and start yelling for MOAR NOW NOW NOW. /o/ Not that, you know. I don't do that normally anyway. Tasty Alba writings are tastyyy.
I particularly like how you managed to get everyone in the same place (and for the SH-familiar, include a bunch of little bonus references, durhurhur). Vexen's execution of the standard 'OH BABY YOU'RE ALIVE' ritual is, of course, classic Vexen, and therefore excellent, and therefore I love you. Again. Like that was ever an issue. <3
Awesome job on this chapter, though I can see why you must have had trouble getting it out. /o/ Here's hoping the next one writes itself out more smoothly~
(Also, admittedly, I had zero intentions of bringing in Laura -- but for the sake of an ending, I wanted it to make sense for non-SH players.)
(I still maintain that while everyone is out in Horror Survival land, Axel and Luxord are home getting drunk or something.)
This chapter left me feeling...at ease. :3 The calm before the storm perhaps? And...Marluxia as straight, married and had a child even...so refreshing.
Sorry for the brief comment. It is delicious chapter. :3
"Bloth's personal torture creature(s)--I think he has several throughout the sewerways of the Maelstrom. Whenever he wants to dispose of a person or a living thing of some kind, he dumps him/her/it into the Constrictus pit to give his pet some food once in a while. Bloth dumped Primus's jailer, the first brigmaster, into the pit after the king escaped, and had put Konk in some time before; the piglet got away with only part of his leg missing and acquired a metal pegleg, and had the best Constrictus survival story until Ren managed to elude it altogether, becoming the first person to ever totally escape being eaten."
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