Talk about a long time*sigh*...

Aug 17, 2007 02:02

I know I know, it has been almost a year since I have actually posted on here. Right now my life is in total shambles and I am slowly trying to dig myself out of it however I can't seem to do it...I can no longer afford Aquinas College as the person who was co signing for my student loans decided on a whim that he no longer wants that responsibility, which in some ways I understand but it still doesn't make it any better. The guy that I love very much is down in Ohio however I don't know what will become of us, if anything anymore, my grandmother is dying right before my eyes and it is so hard to watch day after day. I suppose the only real good thing that I have to look forward to is my Uncle Charlie is finally getting married to the man that he loves and it joys me to see their happiness finally come to fruition. Today however was not so good a day, my cousin Leah got into a really bad car accident and was extremely lucky that she made it out alive, thank god for seatbelts, but her cousin was driving the car atleast 80 mph and just happened to hit construction to where there was a small dip in the road which made them flip over into the marsh, her cousin ended up fracturing her neck in 3 different places but they are going to be ok, the car is a total wreck. I attempted to sign up for classes at Montcalm CC however I have no way of getting to classes where ironically I will also be working, so *sigh* I may have to take another semester off of school which I really don't want to do. I feel like my dreams seem to slip further and further away from me and there is nothing that I can do about it. At this point I just want to lay down in bed and never get out of the covers and maybe then life won't be so bad. Oh well you have to take responsibility somewhere, what better place to start than getting your own life straightened out...I wish it were that easy.
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